For Windows

Wi-Fi Router Logs: Risks And How To Delete

The final spritzer

Most people are unaware that their Wi-Fi router logs (keep a record) the websites they visit and if you think that you are safe because you use “Incognito Mode” then my friend you are wrong. It doesn’t matter which device you use incognito mode/private mode on, be it your smartphone or laptop your WiFi router keeps a record of logging history.

Every website you visit when connected to a Wi-Fi network, whether it be in your house, a friend’s house, a school, an office, or your preferred café, can be recorded by the Wi-Fi router, and anyone with access to the router can quickly check your Wi-Fi browsing history.

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So, what can you do or how can you avoid this? Well, read ahead to know in detail.

What Is A Wi-Fi Router Log And How You Can Access It?

Wi-Fi Router log is another name for Wi-Fi router history. Your Wi-Fi routers keep track of every activity of your when you are connected to the internet via your wireless router. The router owner or admin can easily access those router logs via the admin panel. This implies that the Wi-Fi provider can see details about your IP address, visited websites, connected devices, and even how much time you spend online.

And apart from the Wi-Fi admin, your internet service provider (ISP) also has access to your Wi-Fi logging activity.

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To access your Wi-Fi logs follow the steps below:

Now take look what are the risks of Wi-Fi router Logging and how you can hide browsing history from Wi-Fi

Risks Of Wi-Fi Router Logging

In essence, routers are computers—did you know that? Routers use their own OS and are prone to security flaws and online threats. And when you club it with the fact of how heavily we use the internet, or the information your router stores, the number of Wi-Fi routers you’d connected with, and how much info each router collected, the scope is immense.  Your private browsing history using incognito mode is also included in this.

And this is how it becomes a serious concern when personally identifiable data is sold, utilized improperly, or ends up in the hands of threat actors.

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So, How Can You Delete Or Hide your Wi-Fi Router History? Let’s find out!

First, we’ll take a look at how you can delete your Wi-Fi history. Then we’ll move on to the next step which is “Hiding” your browsing history from your Wi-Fi router.

Method 1: Delete Your WiFi Router History

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Method 2: Hide Your Router Logging History Using VPN

The most straightforward approach to preventing a router from recording your web activities is to use a VPN. VPNs route your data via the encrypted tunnel that is set up between your device and the VPNs remote server, with the data being decrypted only by the VPN. You can also conceal your IP address using a VPN.

A VPN indeed protects you against hacked routers, making it impossible to spy on you because your data is turned unreadable. When you use a VPN your router still records the data but the catch is that the data is encrypted and is unable to decrypt or read by your Wi-Fi router.

And for this, you will need a VPN that is reliable and trusted by a million users. And this is why we strongly recommend “Systweak VPN.” Independently verified by researchers of OpenVPN, a highly flexible open-source framework used by Systweak VPN, aids in preventing attacks by filters & firewalls. Systweak VPN is dedicated to providing users with total security and privacy. It assures online invisibility and employs military-grade AES 256-bit encryption to maintain that anonymity.

To know more about how Systweak VPN can save you from this follow this link How Can Systweak VPN Protect You Against Any Public Wi-Fi Risks?

And for more info about the features, and pricing, and for a review of Systweak VPN check this link Systweak VPN Review, Pricing, And Features

To Wrap This Up

So, this was all about the Wi-Fi router logs and risks associated with him and how to delete them. So I hope you are fully aware now of the Wi-Fi router history and how you can delete or hide it from your IPS or Wi-Fi router. Make a habit of it and keep your data safe and intact. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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