What Is TrickBot Malware and How To Remove It

TrickBot Malware

To spy on confidential data since 2016 cybercriminals are using TrickBot malware. Alongside focusing on stealing data the malware is now capable of changing network traffic to spread further. This malware is the favorite tool of threat actors and over the years, it’s been updated to target more systems. Moreover, it has earned the reputation of adaptive modular malware. 

In addition to this, TrickBot the banking trojan is capable of spreading via affected networks and it exploits known Windows Server Message Block (SMB) and Remote Desktop vulnerabilities. All this makes TrickBot a nasty threat from which users want to stay protected. If you too are looking for a way to protect yourself from the TrickBot trojan, you’re at the right place. In this post, we will explain all about TrickBot and how you can protect yourself from this malware.

What is Trickbot Malware

TrickBot malware is a constantly evolving dangerous virus, after targeting the banking systems, the trojan horse is now focusing on consumer and personal computers. Once TrickBot infects a system, it steals personal information and sends it to a central server. After this, the malware tries to infect the network that the infected system is connected to. This way it keeps spreading from one device to another. However, if you find your Mac to be infected by it, there’s good news. You can get rid of it and protect your data from being stolen. To know how to remove TrickBot ransomware, keep reading the post till the end.

Also Read: What is Malware & Keyloggers

How to Protect Mac from TrickBot Malware?

You must be thinking how can your Mac get infected? They are supposed to be virus safe, right? Well, at a certain point this was true, but no longer is the case Mac machines can also get infected. Agreed, they are safer compared to other systems, yet they have their share of weaknesses. 

Malware like Trickbot can infect Mac using macros with Microsoft Office, and random pop-ups offering free software.

Also Read: 14 Best Malware Removal For Mac In 2021

How To Remove Trickbot Malware From Your Mac?

If you think your Mac is infected with Trickbot, don’t worry, removing this dangerous malware is easy. You just need to know the browsers you have installed on your Mac. We would suggest checking all installed browsers including the default browser.

Before following the steps explained below, go offline. This means disconnecting your Mac from the internet. This will interfere with the spread of trojan on other systems on your network.

Once you are offline, follow these step-by-step instructions to remove malware plugins from Safari, Google Chrome, and Firefox:


To remove TrickBot from Safari, the default browser on your Mac, follow these steps:

1. Launch Safari.

2. Click Preferences > Extensions.

3. Next, check the list of installed browser extensions and uninstall the ones you don’t remember installing or don’t use any longer. 

4. Exit your Safari browser and re-launch. 

Also Read: How to Delete TapuFind Virus from Mac

Google Chrome

After Safari, Google Chrome is the most popular browser used on Mac. To delete the TrickBot extension from Google Chrome, follow these instructions:

1. Open Google Chrome

2. Click the three dots from the top right corner > More Tools > Extensions. 


3. Look for any unknown or suspicious extensions and click Remove.

4. Restart Chrome.

Also Read: What Is Emotet Malware & How To Remove It


Alongside using Safari and Google Chrome, if you are using Firefox follow these steps to check for malicious extensions. 

1. Launch Firefox.

2. Click the three lines > Add-ons and themes > Extensions.

3. Look for extensions you don’t remember installing. 

4. Select the extension, you want to remove > click Uninstall.

TrickBot malware

5. Afterward, select Plugins from the left pane and on the left and repeat step 2.

6. Exit Firefox and relaunch the browser.

7. Once you are through with these steps, restarting Mac to apply changes is a good idea.

Also Read: How To Remove SearchbBaron.com From Mac (2021)

tipsAdditional Tip

Deleting other malware on your Mac

To keep Mac protected against malware, periodically scanning the device is a good idea. Even if you don’t see any signs of your Mac is infected, there is a possibility that sneaky software is installed and running in the background. Therefore, scanning the system using a security tool is a good idea. 

Thankfully, using CleanMyMac X you can easily scan your Mac to identify malware and its supporting files from apps that might be hiding on your Mac. To use the amazing Mac optimization tool and clean malware from Mac, follow the steps below:

1. Download and install CleanMyMac X. 


2. From the left pane, click the Malware Removal module.

3. Next, to locate threats, click Scan and wait for the process to finish.

TrickBot ransomware

4. Clean infections and keep your Mac malware-free.

In addition to this, you can use CleanMyMac X to clean junk files, old mail attachments, uninstall unknown apps without leaving leftovers, and do a lot. The tool offers optimization and maintenance modules. 

With the help of these steps, you can easily get rid of TrickBot and other devious malware that infect your Mac. Moreover, using a tool like CleanMyMac X you can get into the habit of running malware scans and keeping Mac optimized. This will help spot malware, trojan, and other viruses in a timely manner. Also, using the other Mac cleaning tool you can recover storage space and do a lot more. We hope you found the information helpful and were able to remove TrickBot from your Mac. 

Also Read: How to Open Winmail.dat Files on your Mac

FAQs about Trickbot Malware

Q1. What does TrickBot malware do?

TrickBot malware is designed to steal your data and it spreads using the Windows Server Message Block (SMB) and Remote Desktop vulnerabilities.

The malware is devious and the operators keep updating the malware to target more systems on the network. 

Q2. What is the TrickBot virus?

TrickBot is a computer malware, a trojan horse targeting Mac and Windows system. Its major function is to steal users’ data, banking details, and other credentials. Over the years its operators have extended its capabilities and the malware can now create a complete module malware ecosystem.

Q3. How does TrickBot malware get into a system?

TrickBot spreads via malicious spam campaigns and it uses web injects to steal banking credentials and browser cookies. Moreover, the malware sends infected attachments and embedded URLs via phishing emails. 

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