Telegram Vs WhatsApp: Which Is Secure?


Recently the founder of Telegram, Durov said in a warning message to all WhatsApp users to leave the app if they want to keep their private data as such. This is not a new subject for debate, as it is a well-known fact for over a period of time that WhatsApp has its security flaws. Along with several social media apps, the communication apps have been targeted to be snooping on user’s personal data. Well, you would say we gave permission to them to access the data on the application, but we are talking about the data such as photos and messages saved on internal storage on your phone. Therefore in this post, we have a comparison of Telegram vs WhatsApp to find which is a better service.

Social Apps


We believe that none of the apps we use nowadays has been providing us with a fully secure environment. But to communicate and to share data online is made possible, and so very convenient with the help of these, we tend to forget about this basic feature. So how much can we really trust the app? Let’s talk about what can make you switch from WhatsApp to Telegram Or not. First, we would discuss what sets both of them apart with their unique features.

Telegram vs WhatsApp:

As per the details, you will find once very liked WhatsApp has seen a lot of flaws lately, but people rely on it the most. You will be shocked to find out the number of people using WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is the most used app by people globally and thus understood to be the only medium for communication. The easy use is also the reason for the popularity of WhatsApp

Difference Between WhatsApp And Telegram:

Being instant messaging apps, both Telegram and WhatsApp will help you connect with others. There are a number of features which have made these two apps widely different.


Why WhatsApp is better than Telegram?



  1. Message notifications:

The ability to find out if the message was delivered or not can change the game for an app. Some might find it very important as the notification for a delivery of the message or the read receipt relieves them knowing about the status of the send message. While for others, this not being present on Telegram is a bliss as they will see it as intruding. Therefore, this point is divided among the users and can be seen as no one wins the Telegram vs WhatsApp for this feature.

    2. Supports video calls:

WhatsApp launched the video calls years ago but Telegram is still adheres to voice-only calls. So in the very basic needs of making a video call, a user has to switch to a different app. This is one of the major differences between WhatsApp and Telegram as the feature hold much importance. For an instant messaging app which is required to communicate along with text and calls. Sending messages is not enough, and therefore the calling feature adds to the app.

   3. End to end encryption:

The end to end encryption ensures you to have a secure conversation over the platform. This is applicable to all of the chat conversation on WhatsApp. Whereas, this is not true for Telegram. In this context to Telegram vs WhatsApp, this feature takes upon the former.

Why Telegram Is Better Than WhatsApp?


Best Features of Telegram over WhatsApp.

 1. Cloud Storage:

 Telegram is better than WhatsApp for this unique feature which is only available on Telegram. This feature saves all your messages, media files and documents on the cloud storage. It is best as you can keep changing the devices without thinking about data loss. Data is not required to be backed up just like WhatsApp

   2. Choice to compress media files:

With WhatsApp, you can always see the difference in the size of media files. The quality is hence compromised and sometimes it makes us choose a different mode to share the files. This case changes with Telegram as the app which gives you the choice to decide if you want to compress files or not.

   3. Group capacity:

 Is Telegram better than WhatsApp, you can see with this feature as the most number of users to be added in a group is set to a limit in all the apps. WhatsApp restricts users to not add more than 256 people in a group. But Telegram will allow users upto 5000 in a supergroup, which has more features than normal group.

  4. Communicate using Username:

The major brownie points Telegram takes over WhatsApp is with this feature. Here you are allowed to connect with a fellow Telegram user just with a username. No need to share a phone number, which is a concern for a lot of people while using WhatsApp.

  5. Group Settings:

 Altering group settings has again put Telegram above WhatsApp in terms of useful features. Group admin can control the action for the users. One can be restricted to send messages and will be a mute spectator.

  6. Available on many platforms:

 Use it on multiple platforms simultaneously and this feature will make it easy for users. The app is available on Windows, Mac, Linux,  Android, iOS, and web browser a well.

  7. Secret Chat:

This adds a feather to the hat for Telegram vs WhatsApp notion as it something which the latter lacks. The feature will let you be in a secret chat which is encrypted and is self-destructed after a set time.

Wrapping up:

Telegram seems like a viable option to use because of the several features it offers. But unlike WhatsApp, it does not have many people using it, and therefore the constraint makes it less used. Over this, none of the features assure the security of the personal data on Telegram. What will you choose between Telegram vs WhatsApp?

Is it true that WhatsApp has compromised our private data ? What are your thoughts on this news? Are you going to opt for alternatives to WhatsApp? Is Telegram safer than WhatsApp for communication? Whatever your thoughts are please do share with us, we would leave open for discussion.

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