How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11?

Microsoft regularly provides Updates for Windows OS that consists of security patches, new features, and issue fixes. These updates are highly recommended and must be carried out indefinitely. However, there are times when your PC is on a metered connection, or you can temporarily disable the Windows Updates and stop them from downloading and installing on your PC. Here are some methods to stop Windows updates.

Different Methods on How To Stop Windows Updates?

Method 1: Pause Windows Updates

The first method allows users to pause and hold the Windows updates for a few weeks. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + I on the Keyboard to open Windows Settings.

Step 2: A new window will open where you have to locate Windows Updates in the left panel and click on it.

How To Stop Windows Updates

Step 3: Now, look in the right panel to find Pause Updates under more options.

Step 4: Click on the drop-down menu and choose when you wish to pause the Windows updates between 1 week and five weeks.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Step 5: This is not a permanent change, and you can always go back to this location and click on the Resume Updates option that will appear instead of Pause Updates.

Method 2: Stop Windows Updates Services

The following method allows users to block or stop the Windows Services associated with Windows Updates. Here are the steps to accomplish this:

Step 1: Press Windows + R on your keyboard to launch the RUN box.

Step 2: Now, type “services.msc” in the text box and press the Enter Key.

How To Stop Windows Updates

Step 3: A new window that alphabetically lists all the Windows Services will open.

Step 4: Locate the Windows Update service and make a right-click on it.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Step 5: Choose Properties from the context menu, and a new box will open.

Step 6: Locate Startup Type and click on the drop-down next. Choose the Disabled option.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Step 7: Now, click on the Stop button under Service Status.

How To Stop Windows Updates

Step 8: Click on Apply and then on the OK button.

This will stop the Windows Updates service and will not update your computer until you restart it from here and change the Startup type to Automatic.

Method 3: Use The Windows Registry

The Windows Registry contains a list of all the Settings and the user-selected options. You can disable the Windows Updates using the Registry. Here are the steps:

Note: Before making any changes, you must take a backup of the registry:

  • Press the Windows & R key, and type regedit.
  • On the Registry Editor window, go to File>Export.
  • Save the .reg file to the desired location. Avoid saving it on C drive.

Step 1: Press Windows + R to open the RUN box.

Step 2: Type Regedit into the box and press Enter to launch the Register Editor.

How To Stop Windows Updates

Step 3: Copy and paste the following path in the Registry address bar to navigate this location.


Step 4: In the Windows hive, locate the WindowsUpdate entry.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Note: If you cannot locate this key, you can create it. To create it, click on the Windows folder as mentioned in the path above and make a right-click. Select New and then Key and rename it as “WindowsUpdate.”

Step 5: Now, click on the WindowsUpdate key and make a right-click and select New and Key.

Step 6: Rename this newly created as AU.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Step 7: Make a right-click on the AU key and choose the DWORD (32-bit) value.

Step 8: Rename this key as NoAutoUpdate.

How To Stop Windows Updates on Windows 11

Step 9: Double click on NoAutoUpdate and enter 1 in the Value Data field.

How To Stop Windows Updates

Step 10: Click on OK and exit the Registry.

Step 11: Restart the PC to ensure that the Windows updates will be stopped.

Bonus Feature: Systweak Software Updater

Systweak Software Updater

Systweak Software Updater is an amazing app that helps users update their third-party apps. The Windows updates provide only those updates that are available on the Microsoft Servers. Most of these updates contain security patches, Windows Store Updates, and new OS features. To auto-update apps, you need a software updater tool such as Systweak Software Updater that will scan your PC and update the installed apps to the latest version with ease.

Systweak Software Updater has the following features:

Fast Downloads. This application is easy to use and delivers updates with quick speed.

Install New Software. This app also contains a repository of important and useful programs that you can install from here.

Malware Free. The apps and updates on this software are totally free from viruses and malware.

The Final Word On How To Stop Windows Updates?

The above expert-recommended methods will help you to stop your automatic Windows updates. However, it is not recommended to do this for a long time as Updates are critical to maintain your PC and keep it running at an optimal pace.

Please write to us in the comments section below and know which method worked for you. You can also post questions about any tech topics, and we will try to solve that for you.

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