Simple Yet Effective Tips to Manage Your Emails

All of us receive scores of emails. From managers to their employees, colleagues, newsletters from various services you have subscribed to, and what not!

Sifting through such voluminous email data is a waste of time and energy. Why not re-evaluate how to manage your emails effectively.


Did you know you can schedule your emails with some simple tricks?

  • Get rid of the junk

Let’s assume, you receive an average of one hundred emails per day, out of which only half of the mails are important and rest are ‘junk’. In case you are facing repetitive instances of spam/junk mails, use junk files to capture most of spam and scan it twice a day, to be rid of unwanted emails. It will reduce thirty percent of the junk from your inbox.

See Also: How to use the ‘Out of Office Assistant’ in Outlook 2016, 2013, 2010 and 365

  • Set up smart folders

When you open your inbox, you’ll notice one fourth of the emails are special offers, discount offers, forwarded jokes or advertising notification. Basically, email marketing stuff. It is a sales trick to attract more customers. So, prioritize your emails in subcategories to keep the inbox organized. It will be easy to find out emails in emergency or to delete the multiple emails together.

  • Turn off all email notifications

Email is not an instant medium of communication. We use cell phones and instant messaging for that. Email is good for businesses where you don’t require an immediate response. So, don’t allow others to hamper your work. Email alerts and beeps interrupt your concentration, might divert you in meetings and conversations. Turn off the phone’s vibration or audible ding for every new email.

  • Unsubscribe from unwanted promotional emails


You would never want to read all the advertising and promotional emails. Unsubscribe from the unnecessary ones. It is an easy and quick process. To unsubscribe newsletters you don’t want, login to your email account and look for ‘unsubscribe’ in the mailers you are fed up of. Review the search results and decide which email want to continue with. You can also visit and unsubscribe from the newsletters you want to trash. It will organize the inbox with different categories and folders.

  • Schedule your time to read and respond to email

Getting an alert or notification makes you unfocused towards your responsibilities. Although considering your emails in scheduled time will help you in urgent assistance as well as to help you in maintaining and updating your calendar about the meetings.
You can also draft your email for any emergency by updating your contact number and providing suitable time to reach you. Due to heavy workload, you can also check your emails in every hour for ten to fifteen minutes or check your email 3-4 times a day, like in morning afternoon and in evening.

  • Sorting emails by category

When you receive a lot of email together, you may forget to pay attention towards the important emails or sometimes you may delete them by mistake without reading. It happens when you receive all the emails in your inbox and there is no folders and categories are available to put the email in the respective folders. Sometimes when you delete junk from your inbox you end up deleting work related emails. However, you can recover them from trash but sometimes you are not aware if you have done that!

Everyone has their own way to handle their stuff. This just a suggestion how to manage your emails effectively and how can you make is simple. However you can find a system that works for you.

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