Should I Browse Privately Or Anonymously

Should I Browse Privately Or Anonymously?

You must have heard about security breaches that have led to privacy issues. Our information is no longer safe online when we browse the internet, play online games, or stream movies. This is due to advertisers, threat actors, and other agencies that try to capture our private information without our approval. However, we can easily prevent this from happening by changing our browsing methods. In light of the data leakages online, two terms, Private Browsing, and Anonymous Browsing have come to the surface. This blog attempts to explain the difference between these different ways of browsing and guides on which one you should choose.

What Is Private Browsing?

Private Browsing

Most current browsers have a function called private browsing that hides your internet behaviour from other people who use your device. During a private browsing session, your browser will not save your browsing history, search history, cookies, or other temporary browsing data. Incognito mode is the same as private browsing; Chrome merely names it that.

If you look for something for someone in private mode while online, and they later use your computer, there’s no way they’ll find out what you were looking for. Your browsing history, search history, and cookies from that session will not be visible to anyone who uses the same computer after you. While private browsing erases all traces of your browsing behaviour from your device, it does not ensure your privacy online or prevents you from web monitoring.

What Is Anonymous Browsing?


Private browsing protects your privacy just on your computer or phone by removing cookies and other temporary data. Ad Agencies, your ISP, the government, and malicious actors can still observe and track your activity – accessing websites, searching for travel tickets, clicking links, adding products on E-commerce website carts. Anonymous surfing, on the other hand, conceals your identity online so that your online activities cannot be traced back to you. Private browsing’s “privacy” has been vastly exaggerated, and actual internet privacy would require the usage of extra tools, such as a VPN.

You’re safer online than you’ve ever been, thanks to Systweak VPN

Systweak VPN

One of the best VPN services for Windows is Systweak VPN, which combines smart DNS with a kill switch. The military-grade AES 256-bit encryption used by this VPN for Windows protects your online privacy by allowing anonymous browsing and hiding your IP address. You can bypass ISP throttling with our free VPN service. Systweak VPN includes several useful advantages in addition to masking your IP address and protecting you from the dangers of public Wi-Fi. Some of the benefits are as follows:

There are no geographical constraints. All IP region-based restrictions imposed by streaming services like Netflix are removed using a virtual private network application such as Systweak VPN.

Maintains the user’s security and privacy. A VPN application offers privacy and security by preventing hackers from tracking your original IP address or location. Viruses, malware, and other forms of trackers are also absent from your laptop.

Securely Sharing Files. Data sent over a public Wi-Fi network is encrypted and unreadable by hackers, so you can rest easy.

There is also the option of remote access. If you activate your VPN on any network, including public Wi-Fi, you may rapidly set up remote access from your laptop to your company or home computer. This virtual private network, which will be hacker-proof, will be completely under your control.

Make your game experience better. Gamers can connect to games from multiple zones with Systweak VPN, which reduces lag and ping. It also safeguards your game credentials and other sensitive data.


The Final Word On Should I Browse Privately Or Anonymously

While incognito mode allows some browsers to remove tracking cookies, it does not allow them to block more advanced tracking techniques like browser fingerprinting, which can identify you online with near-perfect accuracy. Your IP address, which is another way you can be identified online, is not hidden by private browsing. And that is why we recommend using Systweak VPN to mask your IP address and all your online activities from everyone including the VPN service provider.

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