It’s Going to be Easier to Unlock iPhone without FaceID While Wearing a Mask

Story: It’s going to be easier to unlock your iPhone while wearing a face mask. It’s going to be possible with Apple’s new Face ID unlock feature in iOS 13.5 Beta.

The COVID 19 outbreak aggregates certain losses with the opportunity to explore gains hidden in this pandemic. It has undoubtedly changed the way people were using technology, and it is going to be last forever (literally). One of these changes includes face masks that are going to be part of your daily routine as they said to protect you from virus infection.

So, What is the Issue?

Smartphone users who are using Face ID to unlock their devices are finding a hard time to unlock the device while wearing a face mask. While the problem isn’t limited to specific mobile phone manufacturer, Apple has come up with a solution to make lives of users’ easier.

The Solution

Source: CNBC

Apple has tested a new Face ID unlock feature in its iOS 13.5 beta version. iOS 13.5 beta 3 developers version includes an exciting new feature that makes it easier to unlock iOS devices while wearing a protective face mask. While the feature is in beta version, you probably see using it in the coming few weeks.

How does it work?

Well, it reduces the time of annoying delay in the standard procedure where your device presents the screen to enter in a passcode when it fails to recognize your face.

With the new feature, Apple has simplified the unlock process for users wearing a protective face mask by bringing the passcode field to the main screen. To use this new feature, you simply need to swipe up if you’re wearing a mask to skip the Face ID display and enter the passcode instead.

This simply means that the unlock process is going to be easier. You needn’t wait for a passcode screen to pop up when you are at checkout counter doing things like mobile payments.

What else?

In addition to this feature, Apple is also testing a new contact tracing API that is built by Apple and Google in partnership. It will help national health authorities to build apps that will protect users from Coronavirus patients. Users can use this feature to find out anonymously and privately if they are exposed to someone with Coronavirus.

You can expect both the features coming in a few weeks for mass usage.

Is there any hack to trick your FaceID?

You search ‘ways to unlock iPhone with FaceID while wearing a mask’; you will get to certain hacks tested by different sites. For your information, let’s discuss how you can do that. Follow below-mentioned steps to unlock iPhone with a mask. (You only wish you can trick FaceID feature)

  • On your iPhone device, select Settings.
  • Select Face ID & Code.
  • Set up alternative appearance.
  • In case you have already had one set up, you need to reset Face ID.
  • Here, it will start the scanning process.

Now let your Apple device recognize your alternative appearance with a mask for unlocking purpose. You may need to arrange the mask on face to complete the scanning by your device successfully.

While these hacks are said to be effective after trying multiple times, you can’t rest assure you will get the best results every time. Even after applying these hacks, you may find your Apple device can’t recognize your face covered with a face mask.


Now that a lot is going to change in your daily lives after Corona outbreak, it’s better to wait for technological advancements that are meant to make your life easy post corona times. While all significant players in the smartphone industry are investing heavily to make their devices corona-proof, it is better to be the spectator for some time now.

Wait for a few weeks until you see some additional features on your iOS device that will help you deal with post corona outcomes. While the features we have discussed are primarily to meet your needs to beat corona-effects, there are some additional features you can expect in the coming few weeks.

If you are an Android user, Google is also at work!

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