How to Set Up Medical ID on Your iPhone

Have you ever imagined that your iPhone that is power packed with lot of advance features can also be a life savior? Yeah, we are talking about an iPhone feature, Medical ID that can help you in an emergency.

Though this feature was first introduced in iOS 8 however even now, many iPhone users are unaware of it.

If you are one of them, then just go through this article to learn all about Medical ID on your iPhone.

Let’s have a look at this potentially life-saving feature, and how to set it up on your own iPhone.

What Is Medical ID?

Before we learn how to set up the Medical ID, let’s know what exactly Medical ID is? Medical ID is a lifesaving feature using which a person can get instant access to all the information related to your health in a state of emergency from your iPhone. And that too, without the need of a passcode.

Below is the list of information that you can save in your Medical ID:

  • Name/Profile picture along with your DOB (date of birth).
  • Medical Conditions
  • Medical Notes
  • Allergies and Reactions (in case you are allergic to any drug)
  • Blood Type i.e. your Blood Group.
  • Medications (the medicine that you are using presently).
  • Your weight/height.
  • Emergency contact (a phone number that be contacted in a situation of emergency).

Please note that though it is not mandatory but you should try to put all the information correctly and completely in Medical ID field.

How to Set Up Medical ID on Your iPhone

To make all the medical information accessible, first you need to set up the Medical ID on your iPhone.

  1. Open Health App on your iPhone by tapping on it and tap on Medical ID located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
    How to Set Up Medical ID on Your iPhone 1
  2. Click edit and fill all the information like your date of birth, medical conditions, height, weight, emergency contact.How to Set Up Medical ID on Your iPhone 2
  3. Turn on ‘Show When Locked’ by tapping on it. This will help the first responder to get access to all your medical details right from the lock screen of your iPhone in emergency, without a passcode.How to Set Up Medical ID on Your iPhone 3


How to Access Medical ID

It’s quite important that one should know to access Medical ID when he finds someone in an emergency.

  1. To access Medical ID, press the home button.
  2. Now tap on Emergency located at bottom left corner of the screen.
    How to Access Medical ID 2
  3. In Emergency call screen tap on Medical ID located at bottom left corner to access all the medical details stored by the person.
    How to Access Medical ID 3

You may feel that if accessing this feature is so simple then it may also raise a security concern.  Yeah, it can, as a person who has a physical access to your iPhone can get all your medical details even without entering passcode. But, doesn’t every good come with a bad? It’s up to us which side do we prefer to look at!

If you have not yet set the Medical ID on your iPhone then set it right now. As you never know that these few minutes spent on setting a Medical ID can someday add a lot many years to your life.

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