How To Get Amazon Prime Free Ebooks From Kindle Bookstore For Free?

Amazon Prime Free Ebooks From Kindle

Objective: To add free eBooks on your Kindle device from Kindle Bookstore and other sources.

This article consists of:

  1. How to Get Amazon Prime Free eBooks from Kindle Bookstore for Free?
  2. How to load your Kindle with free eBooks other than Kindle Bookstore?
  3. What are the different eBooks formats and How to convert between them?
  4. What other sites offer Kindle free eBooks?
  5. Is there a free Kindle App for Android and iOS?
    kindle free ebooks Kindle
    Image Source: Amazon

Reading has always been a passionate hobby, and with current lockdown situation, it has become an extraordinary method to pass your time,if you are done watching TV and playing games. Most of us are trying to utilize this opportunity to read books which were a part of our to-do list, and others are taking on courses, certifications and diving deep into the world of knowledge.  However, after the transformation of paper into digital media, all types of books, courses, texts have become digitalized and can be bought and read online. And one of the best-dedicated devices for digital books or eBooks is Amazon Kindle.

How To Get Amazon Prime Free eBooks From Kindle Bookstore For Free?

kindle free ebooks Kindle Logo
Image Source: Amazon

Amazon Prime has amassed one of the largest collections of eBooks today and has also launched the Kindle devices.  Kindle from Amazon has become a different world altogether. It has different types of devices, separate accounts and emails, forums and many other features that differentiate Kindle from Amazon. You can purchase almost any eBook you want from Amazon at huge discounted prices, and sometimes you can get it for free. EBooks are generally a lot cheaper that the original paper versions and do not occupy any storage space. There are two ways to get eBooks from Kindle Bookstore for free:

1. Search for Kindle free eBooks at Amazon:

This is rather a difficult but a sure shot method which consumes a lot of time and effort. It involves visiting the Amazon Kindle section and manually checking every book for its kindle price, and you are bound to find many which can be added for free.

2. Cent Less Books website:

The second method is straightforward but sometimes you don’t get what you are looking for. You have to visit Cents less Books website for a list of all eBooks that are available on Kindle Bookstore for free. Although the list is frequently updated, but there are times when you might see an eBook listed for free, and when you click on the link that redirects you to Amazon website, it would appear as a paid eBook. Also, this website includes a combined list of all eBooks that are free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers and free for all. If you are not a Kindle Unlimited subscriber, then you will have to click on every link to check which eBook is free for you.
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Visit Cents Less Books Now

Also Read: How To Convert Kindle eBook To PDF

How To Load Your Kindle With Free eBooks Other Than Kindle Bookstore?

Now that you know how to get Amazon Prime Free eBooks from Kindle Bookstore for Free let us discuss the second method to fill your Kindle with eBooks for free. The method is quite simple as it involves the task of sending an email to your Kindle email account with the eBook as an attachment. Let us break this method down into a few simple steps:

Step 1. Obtain your Kindle email address. Your Kindle device has a unique email address of its own. To know what that is, visit the Amazon Kindle Page by clicking the link below and login into Amazon with your credentials.

Visit Amazon Kindle Page Now

Step 2. Locate and click the Devices tab on the top to list your device name.

Step 3.Once you locate your device, click on the three dots located on the Left.

Step 4. A new popup window will open, and there you will find an email address with the domain name as Kindle ( Note this address as this will be quite useful.

kindle free ebooks Kindle Settings

Step 5. Click on the Preferences tab on the top and scroll down till you locate Personal Document Settings and click on it.

Step 6. The Personal Document Settings will expand downwards and scroll down to the Approved Personal Document E-mail List. There will be an email listed here.

Step 7. You will be able to send an eBook to your Kindle email from the email listed here only. If you wish to add another email as well, then click on Add a new approved email address and enter a new email address.

kindle free ebooks Kindle email

Step 8. Open your email and compose a new email and attached the eBook file to that email and send it to your Kindle email address.

Step 9. Connect your Kindle to the Internet, and you will soon receive the eBook attached, which you can download and read as a normal Kindle eBook.

Note: The settings till Step 7 need to be configured only once and then every time you want to send third-party reading material to your Kindle, just send an email to your Kindle with the attachment.

kindle free ebooks Kindle app

Also Read: Tips To Follow If Your Kindle Is Slowing Down Or Freezing

What Are The Different eBooks Formats And How To Convert Between Them?

There are many eBook file formats, just as there are many formats for audio and video files. All eBooks formats are not supported by your Kindle device, but different formats can be converted into other compatible formats. Let us discuss the most popular used eBook formats.

Mobi Format

Mobi format was developed for storing eBooks in small, compact and mobile devices like eReaders and tablets. This format was purchased by Amazon and is currently used in Kindle devices. If you have downloaded or created your documents in Mobi format, then simply email them using the steps described above, and you will be able to read all the files with Mobi extension with no trouble at all.

PDF Format

The Portable Document format was one of the first formats for digital documents that were stable and appeared in the same format as intended in different operating systems and versions. Hence, since the formatting was never disturbed, it was adopted for eBooks. The Kindle device supports the PDF format, and a simple email with attachment is enough to send your PDF eBook to your Kindle.

EPUB Format

Electronic Publication or EPUB for short is another eBook file format that is becoming increasingly popular around the world for digital eBooks. However, this format is not supported by Amazon Kindle, which means you will have to convert this eBook into either of the two formats listed above and then send an email to your Kindle.

Also Read: How to Share Books on Kindle With Friends and Family

How To Convert eBooks To Kindle Format?

kindle free ebooks calibre
Image Source: Calibre

Now that you know, Mobi and PDF work fine with Kindle and any other format needs to converted first to make it compatible with Kindle. One of the best eBook conversion software is Calibre which is available for free on Windows and Mac. Calibre can convert any document format to any other format and is best suited for converting all different types of eBooks to Mobi. You can also set your Kindle email when configuring the software initially. This way, you can send converted eBooks to your Kindle device from Calibre itself.

With Calibre, you not only send eBooks to your Kindle but also text files, Word documents, blog posts and almost anything you want to read on the device.

Download Calibre Now

Also Read: Common Kindle Fire Problems and How To Fix Them

What Other Sites Offer Kindle Free eBooks?

Now comes the most important question, “Where can I download free eBooks?”

kindle free ebooks websites

There is nothing wrong in downloading free eBooks, provided they come from legitimate and legal sources. There are many books, especially in the Public Domain, that can be downloaded free of cost with the consent of the writer. Many classics do not fall under copyright law due to the passage of time and can be downloaded for free. Here are some of the websites that provide Kindle free eBooks than can be downloaded and emailed to your Kindle device.

Over Drive: Contains over a million eBooks from 30,000 libraries across the globe. However, these eBooks are only accessible if you have a Public Library membership.

Project Gutenberg: This site has an excellent eBook collection of classics and does not require any registration as well. You can download the Mobi version and save yourself from the hassle of converting the eBook to a Kindle-compatible format.

Free-eBooks: As the name suggests, you can download free eBooks in PDF format, which is supported by Kindle. However, this website allows you to choose five eBooks a month to download, which means if you completed your five eBooks before the month ends, then you will have to wait. The number of eBooks and the categorization into different genres is vast and exclusive.

For more sites on free eBooks read:10 Best Free eBooks Download Sites

Is There A Free Kindle App For Android And iOS?

kindle free ebooks Kindle android

If you don’t have a Kindle device, then you can download the free Kindle App from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store on your smartphone or tablet. Amazon Kindle is more than just a device, it is more of a reading experience, and that is why I recommend downloading the free Kindle app and using it for reading free eBooks. You can also read a PDF eBook on your browser, but you will not get the features like adding a bookmark, turning the pages etc. It would be more of reading a very long document on other applications.



Also Read: 6 Great EBook Reader Apps for Android

Your Thoughts On How To Get Amazon Prime Free Ebooks From Kindle Bookstore For Free?

After you have read this article, I am sure you can now do the following tasks:

  • Quickly obtain Amazon Prime Free eBooks from Kindle Bookstore for Free.
  • Download free eBooks from other websites.
  • Convert these eBooks to Kindle Compatible Format.
  • Configure your Kindle device to receive emails and note down your unique Kindle email.
  • Send free eBooks and other documents to your Kindle device.

I hope that you find this information useful and applicable. If you face any issues regarding sending free eBooks on your Kindle, then do mention a note in the comments section and I will get back to you as soon as possible with a resolution. Follow us on social media – Facebook and YouTube. We post regularly on the tips and tricks along with solutions to common issues related to technology. Subscribe to our newsletter to get regular updates on the tech world.

Kindle Alternatives: How To Read Free Ebooks With Wattpad Stories?

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