How To Fix “Hey Siri Not Responding On Mac”

Hey Siri Not Responding On Mac

For me, Siri is the answer to all problems. Whether it is to look for directions, read the latest news, make a call, and find things Siri is always there. So, when Siri stops responding, it becomes a real problem.

I know I am not alone. There are others too who don’t like it when Siri stops working on Mac.

Hence, here we are with workable fixes to resolve Hey Siri not working on Mac.

But before that, let’s understand why Siri stops working on Mac.

Reasons for Siri Not Responding on Mac

When compared with iOS, Siri is more compatible with Mac. But that doesn’t mean it is flawless. Sometimes you may call Siri and instead of it coming up, you get a message – Siri is not available.

This happens when the Internet connection fails. So, to fix this, you need to restart the Wi-Fi or unplug Ethernet and re-plug it. However, if the Internet is working fine yet you face the error, then the slightest chances of the Siri server not working might be there. This means you’ll have to wait for things to work.

But once you know, the issue is not related to connection drop; you need to check the following things in the order they are mentioned.

Ways to Fix Siri Not Working on Mac

1. Check if Siri is enabled

Sometimes a system update or accidental changes made to the system might disable Siri. Therefore, if you face an audio problem or Siri stops working, you need to try the following things:

1. Head to System Preferences > Siri

2. Check the box that reads Enable Ask SiriCheck the box that reads Enable Ask Siri, hey siri not responding

In addition to this, we suggest making certain other tweaks too. These will help troubleshoot Siri’s glitch on Mac.

  1. Disable and re-enable Voice Feedback
  2. Change Siri Voice to something different than the default action. This will undoubtedly help fix things.

In case you still face the problem, or you don’t like the changes you can undo them.

2. Resync Siri in iCloud

To make things easy for Apple users, Siri uses iCloud synchronization. But sometimes it might get buggy resulting in crashing Siri. Therefore, to fix it you need to resync Siri with iCloud. To learn how to do it, follow the steps below:

  1. Click System Preferences > Apple I
  2. Now, look for the iCloud option and check the box next to Siri in the right pane. Repeat the same step but this time uncheck and recheck.

Once you restart the device, Siri’s connection will be restored.

3. Check Mic Quality

If Siri stops working due to audio problems, you need to check the microphone settings. To check, follow the steps below:

1. System Preferences > Sound

2. Click Input tab

3. Check the parameter on which Input volume is set and see if the Input level changes as we speak.

the Input level changes as we speak

4. In case there’s some issue with the Mic, try connecting the external mic and repeat all the steps explained above.

5. Afterwards, launch Activity Monitor from the Utilities folder inside Applications.

6. Select coreaudiod file name

Select coreaudiod file name

7. Now, kill the selected task by clicking Stop

This will reset sound settings, and you’ll be able to get Siri running.

4. Remove Restrictions from Siri

To restrict device over usage, the latest macOS update introduces the Screen Time feature. This new feature helps keep a tab on device usage, thereby helping limit apps usage resulting in more productivity and less time wastage.

Since most people use it and if you too are also using it, there’s a possibility that it has enabled some restrictions for Siri. Therefore, to check if it is behind Sir not working, follow the steps below and disable restrictions.

  1. Launch System Preferences > Screen
  2. Click Content & Privacy > Apps
  3. Now, click Turn Off butting next to Content & Privacy Restrictions and uncheck any option related to Siri.

5. Disable VPN

To process your request, Siri needs to connect to the Apple server. But if you are using a VPN, the connection might not go through. Therefore, to hide your IP address or to access unrestricted data if you are using a VPN, try disabling it and see if this helps fix Hey Siri not responding.

Additional Tip: Consider Boosting Mac Speed & Performance With An Advanced Optimizer Tool – Cleanup My System

So, did you see how things can go wrong and impact the working of Siri? Well, this happens with other apps, files too. Therefore, if you don’t want to spend time fixing all the potential issues manually, why not use something advanced? Well, what can that be?

What, if I say there’s a one-click optimization tool that can fix unnecessary app interferences & issues like slow performance, low-disk space error?

Luckily, you can use a dedicated cleaning & optimization application like Cleanup My System. This all-in-one utility helps to clean, optimize & protect Mac by freeing up space taken by junk files, logs, caches, mail attachments, trash items, and other redundant data.

To use Cleanup My System on your Mac, simply follow the instructions mentioned below:

  • Download, install and launch Cleanup My System.


  • Navigate to the One-Click Care and hit the Start Scan button to initiate a thorough scanning process to declutter your Mac.

One click care

  • As soon as Cleanup My System lists all the redundant data, it gets listed under three sections: System Cleaner (To remove unwanted junk files), Protection (To remove identity traces online), and Space Analyzer(To dispose of memory-hogging files, you no longer use).


Simply, hit the Clean Now button to get rid of everything in one go!

Note – Using the tool will not affect Siri’s performance but it could help in cleaning & optimizing your Mac performance in a few clicks!

That’s all just by using these simple steps you can get Siri back and make sure it works without the not responding problem. But let me tell you if you want to save time and keep Mac optimized, the real trick is Cleanup My System. This excellent Mac cleaner offers modules that will help clean junk files, app cache, and a lot more. Just give it a try to see how it works and let us know by leaving feedback. Follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram and YouTube.


  • comment_avtar
    My throat was just about to get ripped yelling at my SIRI but then I thought of taking help from tech professionals! And for me the best one has always been Systweak! Thank you for never disappointing me and helping my Siri function again!

    4 years ago

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