Discord Fatal Javascript Error? Fixed in Quick & Simple Steps

Discord Fatal Javascript Error? Fixed in Quick & Simple Steps

Today gamers not only require the game app but also need Discord to chat and discuss strategy while playing the game. Discord has become so popular that it seems impossible for some to play a game without it. However, like all software, Discord too has its share of problems and one of the most troubling errors is the Discord Fatal Javascript issue which causes Discord to stop running on the PC. This guide compiles the best steps available on various gaming forums to resolve Javascript Discord bot errors and other issues in a Windows PC.

Discord Fatal Javascript Error? Fixed in Quick & Simple Steps

Here are a few ways to fix Discord’s fatal Javascript Error. Start by trying out the first method and check if the issue has been resolved and then you need not follow the remaining steps.

Method 1: Delete Temporary File

All apps save temp files on your PC that helps them to work faster and avoid creating new files each time they are running. The issue of the Javascript Discord bot can be easily resolved by these steps:

Step 1: Make a right-click on any empty space of the taskbar and click on the Task Manager.


Step 2: A new window will open where you have to click on the Processes tab and then look for Discord in the list of apps running on your system.

Processes tab

Step 3: Make a right-click and then click on End Task.

Step 4: Once the Discord app process ends, you can clean all the files associated with Discord and reboot your system.

Step 5: Launch Discord and check if the issue has been resolved.

Method 2: Modify Services Startup Type

Another method to resolve Discord fatal Javascript is to toggle the Quality Windows Audio Video Experience service. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Press Windows + R and type services.msc followed by the Enter Key.


Step 2: A new window will open which will list all the services in your Windows OS alphabetically.

Step 3: Locate Quality Windows Audio Video Experience and make a right-click to select Properties.

Quality Windows Audio Video Experience

Step 4: In the new window, click on the Stop button to halt this service.

Step 5: Now change the Startup type to Automatic from the drop-down menu and then click on the Start button.

Startup type

Step 6: Reboot the computer and check if the issue has been resolved.

Method 3: Administrator Privileges

The next step is to check the Admin privileges of the Discord app. You can grant the admin rights to the Discord app and run it in an elevated mode. If your Discord app is in admin mode, then you can disable it once and try if this works. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Make a right-click on the Discord icon on your desktop and choose Properties.

Step 2: A small window will open where you have to click on the compatibility mode.

Step 3: Click on the checkbox labelled as Run This Program As An Administrator to enable it.

Run This Program As An Administrator

Note: If the checkbox is enabled, then you will have to disable the Admin mode and try out if it works for you.

Step 4: Click on Apply And then on OK.

Method 4: Reinstall Application

The final step to resolve Discord Javascript errors is to reinstall the application. Here are the steps to uninstall the Discord app first.

Step 1: Press Windows + S to open the Search box and type Add Remove Programs.

Remove Programs

Step 2: Click on the result selected as the best match and a new window will open.

Step 3: A list of programs installed on your system will be displayed. Locate Discord and make a right-click to choose to uninstall.

Step 4: Let the process of uninstallation continue and then open the Run box by pressing Windows + R.

Step 5: Type %appdata% in the box followed by Enter.

Step 6: In the folder that opens, locate the Discord folder and delete it.

Step 7:  Now open the Run box again and this time type %localappdata% followed by Enter.

Step 8: Delete the Discord folder and reinstall the app from the official website.

The Final Word on Discord Fatal Javascript Error? Fixed in Quick & Simple Steps

The above-mentioned methods are the best-known ways to date that can help you to resolve discord javascript errors in Windows OS. You can try them one by one and let us know in the comments section below which one worked for you. If the issue does not resolve after these steps, then you may have to contact Discord support for advanced resolutions, if any. Follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram and YouTube.

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