For Mac

For Mac

Best Audio Recording Software for Mac

Undoubtedly smooth workflow is one of the reasons why several audio & video professionals prefer Mac over Windows. The OS is well-known for its stability, ease of use & good performance. Especially Mac Pro is the most powerful &...

For Mac

10 Handy Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard and mouse are a dynamic duo! We are so used to mouse nowadays that we often forget that using a keyboard is much faster. Have doubts? So let’s give you a hypothetical scenario. Say you want to sign in to your Facebook account, ...

For Mac

3 Simple Ways to Run Windows on Mac

Yes, Macs are great we know! But there are some programs and applications that only support Windows. So, how are you gonna deal with this complex situation? Buying a new Windows laptop is a little too expensive! What you can do is to simula...

Exif Data

27 Cool Mac Tips & Tricks You Probably Don’t Know: Part I

I bet you do not know all this is possible with your Mac. I have been using Mac for long but still some of its features surprise me whenever I come across them. Mac is amazing and much more advanced than the average system as far as perfor...

Backup Software

8 Best Backup Software For Mac

Nothing lasts forever; not even your Mac. Despite its advanced security updates and features, your Mac is not immune to cyber attacks and data breaches. Also, you can’t protect your System against sudden power failure which might render ...

For Mac

How To Use Automator In Macos

If you were looking for a robot to carry out your daily and repeated tasks, then you will have to wait for some more time. However, if you were looking to automate tasks on your Apple machine, then sorry to inform you that you could already...

Booster & Optimizer

Startup Manager For Mac: Fix Your Machine Now!

One of the worst experiences I have faced while using any computer is the prolonged bootup time, which seems to last forever. It is the startup time that your Mac takes to boot up from a shutdown state to a fully working condition. If you t...

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