Author bio

Srishti Sisodia

Srishti Sisodia

Srishti Sisodia, Technical Content Journalist at WetheGeek, is an engineer, whose love for writing drew her towards the profession. Her insatiable desire to learn about technology makes her a passionate writer about technological advances around the world. A voracious reader, a baking enthusiast, and a foodie could be a few other titles to describe her personality.

Best Anti Malware Software For Windows 10, 8, 7 PC In 2019

With the Internet becoming affordable, it is fairly easy for people to access it. From individuals to businesses, all of them use devices connected to the internet for storing and processing data, entertainment and other miscellaneous purpo...


How to Delete Duplicate Photos on Windows 10

One of the best tools to remove duplicate photos on Windows 10 is Duplicate Photos Fixer. This tool scans and detects duplicate and similar images on Windows, retrieve space on your hard disk & results in an organized photo collection. ...

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