Cyber Security

Will VPNs Protect You from ISPs’ Surveillance?

President Trump has eventually signed the proposed bill to cripple your internet privacy. This bill was passed through the vote in the House of Representatives and was sent to President to sign. With repealed FCC policies, Government has empowered Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to take your explicit consent to track and sell your personal information available online.

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The new change in policy spread unease and disappointment in public, whereas Ajit V Pai (Chairperson, Federal Communication Commission) believes that this amendment should have taken place a lot before as ISPs must not face more challenges than websites.

ISPs will have unmediated control over the information you put online. After the dispensation from FCC, ISPs are sovereign units to possess and sell your personal information. This personal information may vary from your browsing history to geo-locations, which are now liable to be sold to the third-party marketing agencies who bid the highest. In this bedlam, one familiar word is being populated amongst people, VPNs.

Virtual Private Network is a technology that establishes a secure and encrypted connection between a computer and server. It can be understood as a tunnel that gives you a safe passage to transport data or to browse online. Once you connect to a VPN, you will be catered all the requested information from that server that makes your internet browsing secure.

How Secure is VPN?

The protection a VPN offers is appreciated as it provides base to apex security over a network. VPN keeps your Wi-Fi away from man-in-the-middle-attack if you are using a public Wi-Fi. Hiding your actual IP address and depicting it to be at another location than its original location, is the most admirable feature VPN.

While discussing security, choosing a correct VPN is a challenge on its own. VPN market has proliferated with time and its increased demand. A huge number of providers have started to capitalize on people’s growing perturbation on government surveillance, cybercrime and online fraud. When VPN turned to be a money inspired service, it becomes harder to select a correct provider.

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To ensure proper safety, you must partner with a legit VPN. When finalizing a VPN, you must study and investigate about it, look for other options, check the encryption type, compare its tariff and observe the reputation in market. Going through reviews by other existing users can conclude a better picture. You must check for after sale support with transparency and user friendliness.

There have been incidents where people have shown immense trust in VPNs and got disappointed. Opting to VPNs may prevent you from ISPs watch but your VPN may also keep a track of your privacy and may sell it to a third-party. Reading all terms and conditions and getting a written note of not revealing your privacy from VPN may be a safer option in such scenarios.

Taking everything into concern, opting out of sharing your personal information at the time of making deal with your ISP is the foremost and effective way of being watched. VPNs would surely help to provide you a safer surfing but selection of a VPN must be done very carefully as they may not serve the words they promise.

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