Ways To Force Change Password On Windows 10

Force Change Password On Windows 10

There are lots of features offered by Windows operating system. We use most of them, but still we aren’t aware of the rest. Many of the features are regarding security and are under admin control. Similarly, there is one more security setting or feature that many of us might not have come across, and that is to force password change on Windows 10.

Yes, you can set up number of days to get reminded for changing a password. For example, if you set 90 days, then you will get a notification regarding changing your password in every 90 days. This security feature of Windows 10 makes your system more secure, and also less accessible to unauthorized person.

There are two methods to force password change on Windows 10, which are listed below:

Method 1 – Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor

Group policy editor in Windows allows administrator to manage local group policies, which also includes password policy. Let us see how to force password change on Windows 10 by using group policy editor:

  1. Press Windows key + R or type Run in Start menu to open Run window.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-1
  2. In Run window, type gpedit.msc and press OK. This will open Local Group Policy Editor on your system.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-2
  3. From the left context menu, select Windows Settings.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-3
  4. In Windows Settings, tap on Security Settings.
  5. Under Security Settings, select Account Policies.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-5
  6. Here, tap on Password Policy.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-6
  7. Now, to force password change on Windows 10, select option Maximum Password Age.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-7
  8. In this window, enter the number of days you want your password age to be and press OK. For example, 90 days.
    Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Local Group Policy Editor step-8
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Once, you are done, reboot your system to apply the changes. Now, in every 90 days, you will get a notification to change your password.

Method 2 – Force Password Change On Windows 10 Using Command Prompt (CMD)

  1. Go to Start menu and type cmd.
  2. Now, right click command prompt and select Run as administrator.
  3. In command prompt, type wmic UserAccount set PasswordExpires=True and press Enter.
  4. After this, type net accounts /maxpwage:72 to set the number of days to 72.
  5. To check your new password policy, type net accounts command and see the changes made to force password change on Windows 10.

This is it guys! These are the two methods in which you can force password change on Windows 10. Make sure you follow each and every step correctly, as one single wrong step could lead to tampering with administrative settings and may harm your system as well. Now, no more worrying about changing password regularly, Windows will itself remind you in the limited time you have mentioned using the above methods.

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  • comment_avtar
    This does not work on Windows 10 Home

    4 years ago

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