
5 Ways to Fix the “Sorry, There Is a Problem With the OneDrive Servers” Error on Windows

If you have a Windows machine, there’s no reason to overlook the advantages of using OneDrive for your cloud storage needs. Owned by Microsoft, it  is an excellent platform  which offers 5GB of free storage and strong Office integration. The “Sorry, there is a problem with the OneDrive servers” error is one of its infrequent bugs. Instead of waiting for the problem to go aa hrway on its own, there are a few things you might attempt in this situation.

Decoding OneDrive Woes: Fixing Server Error on Windows (2023)

Unravel the mysteries behind this issue and equip yourself with actionable steps to restore seamless functionality to your OneDrive experience.

Fix 1: Verify The OneDrive Servers

According to the error notice, it is possible that Microsoft is currently performing maintenance or addressing an issue with the OneDrive servers. You can determine if the issue is only with your device or network by checking the OneDrive server status. You have no choice but to wait if Microsoft has truly reported a problem with the OneDrive servers. If not, you’ll need to conduct your own troubleshooting.

Click here to visit the Microsoft Server status site.

Also Read: Microsoft Server Issues: OneDrive & Skype Not Working

Fix 2: Examine Your Internet Connection

OneDrive may display the “Sorry, there is a problem with the OneDrive servers” error due to a sluggish or unreliable Internet connection. OneDrive will have trouble connecting to the server and synchronizing your files if your Internet connection is poor. You should stabilize your erratic network  if OneDrive isn’t the only app having connectivity issues.

Also Read: How to Disable OneDrive on Windows 11

Fix 3: Get Rid Of OneDrive Cache

OneDrive employs caching, much like any other software on your computer, to prevent repeated data downloads. However, if the cache becomes corrupted, it can lead to various issues, including encountering server errors.

Step 1: Press Win + S and type apps:onedrive

Step 2: Click on App Settings.

Step 3: Scroll down and locate the Reset section and then press the Reset button.

Also Read: How To Fix OneDrive Unable to Move Shortcut Error

Fix 4: Remove OneDrive Telemetry Logs

OneDrive may have server issues if the telemetry logs malfunction. Deleting the logs should therefore resolve the issue.

Step 1: Open the Run dialogue box by pressing Win + R.

Step 2: Enter the command %appdata%. Your computer’s AppData folder should now be visible.

Step 3: Click on the Local folder followed by the Microsoft folder. Then click on the OneDrive folder and finally click on the logs folder.

Step 4: Remove  UserTelemetryCache.otc.session and UserTelemetryCache.otc log files.

Step 5: Launch OneDrive after restarting your computer to see if the issue has been resolved.

Also Read: OneDrive Stuck on “Processing Changes” Screen? Here’s the Fix!

Fix 5: Install OneDrive Again

It’s time to reinstall the program if it seems you can’t resolve the problem and you’ve run out of patience. By reinstalling the app, Windows will get rid of any damaged or corrupt files that prevent the app from functioning.

Step 1: Launch Settings by pressing Win + I

Step 2: Navigate to Apps on the left panel and then click on Installed Apps.

Step 3: Select Uninstall by clicking the three-dot button next to OneDrive there. You can reinstall the software using the Microsoft Store after the procedure is finished.

Note: When uninstalling the program, you don’t have to be concerned about losing your data. By logging into your OneDrive account online, you may still access all the files you’ve saved.

Also Read: 4 Ways to Restore Your Data from OneDrive on Windows 10

Resolving OneDrive Server Errors: Empowering Seamless Cloud Storage on Windows

You might believe there is nothing you can do until Microsoft resolves the issue when you see the “Sorry, there is a problem with the OneDrive servers” message. However, you shouldn’t believe anything OneDrive tells you without first reading the aforementioned advice. Most likely, the issue is isolated to your network or device. You can now share and access your most crucial files because the problem has been fixed. However, you should store them in OneDrive’s vault if you want to keep them even more secure.

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