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How To Remove iPhone Calendar Virus

The final spritzer

If you constantly receive unwanted notifications, event reminders, and other pop-ups on your iPhone Calendar App! It will help you clear the Calendar virus on your iPhone with a few taps & swipes. When your iOS device gets targeted with a calendar virus, you will start receiving spam invitations, appointment pop-ups, and event reminders. If you accidentally tap on those notifications, you may get redirected to malicious websites, infecting your device and stealing information. 

Additionally, these websites contain a pop-up that prompts you to add a Calendar subscription. If you mistakenly tap on the “Ok” button instead of “Cancel,” your iPhone may get swarmed with Calendar Viruses and bombard you with critical threats. 

Keep reading to learn more about Calendar Viruses and how to remove the calendar virus from your iPhone.

clear calendar virus iphone notificationclear calendar virus iphone notification

Must-Read: How to Sign Up for Apple One on Any Device (2022) 

What Does iPhone Calendar Virus Look Like?

You will perhaps notice messages with odd URLs and disturbing headlines urging you to click a link. Examples of these spam messages include: 

 and more! So, if you’re curious to learn “how to remove calendar virus from iPhone”, keep scrolling! 

How Can Your iPhone Get Infected With Calendar Spam?

Primarily there are two ways through which hackers can infect your device with the Calendar Spam virus. 

1. Fake Captcha:

Captcha” is an authentic little puzzle-type response test to prove whether you are an authorized user or a computer. But, sometimes scam websites display forged captcha to create urgency and make users press specific keys that activate malicious downloads.

In some instances, clicking the “I am not a robot box” may prompt you to subscribe to a third-party calendar subscription. This will further enable online criminals to spam you with annoying pop-ups, reminders, and event pop-ups full of malicious links. 

2. Email Address:

Spammers may get hold of your email address connected with your calendar app, and using sophisticated phishing techniques, it’s a lot more accessible for them to do so. Through this information, they can trick you into entering personal information and financial details on suspicious websites.

Alternatively, they might collect and sell your information to companies that may use the data for their benefit.  

Must-Read: How to Get Rid of Someone Else’s Apple ID on Your iPhone

How to remove calendar virus on iPhone?

Here are the steps you need to follow in cleaning the Calendar virus on your iPhone and protecting yourself from potential malware infections and vulnerabilities. 

Step 1: Launch the Calendar app on your device. 

The calendar can be found by swiping down from the middle of the screen and searching for it. Click on the Calendar icon to open it.

Step 2: In the Calendar app, tap on the “Calendars” option again, located at the bottom of the screen. 

Step 3: On the next screen, look for the  Subscribed header. Tap on the Information Icon next to the “Subscribed” header.

Step 4: You will get the “Edit Calendar” page on your screen. Here you will find the “Delete Calendar” option. You can tap on it to easily remove the iPhone calendar virus. 

Repeat these steps for all the other suspicious Calendar events on your phone to ensure no trace of the virus is left.

That’s it! This is all you need to do to stop the iPhone calendar virus in 2023!

Is There Any Other Way To Avoid the iPhone Calendar Virus in 2023?

The primary source of these virus infections is visiting unknown websites that bombard you with advertisements etc. As you visit these pages, your device may get exploited by hackers and bad guys. To ensure these cybercriminals don’t track you and you can surf the Internet safely, we recommend you take the help of a reliable VPN provider.

You can consider using NordVPN for this purpose, as it owns a massive database of blacklisted and harmful domains and protects you from accessing them. Additionally, it has a Threat Protection functionality that warns you before visiting dangerous websites. The feature comes with all the NordVPN subscriptions, and you can enable it from Settings in the main menu.  

NordVPN is known for its fast speeds, online security measures, streaming, and torrenting capabilities, and has a certified no-logs policy. NordVPN is a good choice for both novices and power users, and all credit goes to its intuitive interface and feature set.

To stay ahead of the curve with the world’s leading VPN Solutions, check out the list of best VPNs for different Operating Systems. 

Other Ways to Avoid Calendar Viruses on my iPhone!

Follow these simple tactics to get rid of iPhone calendar virus in 2023!

1. Only access websites with HTTPS encryption

 They are usually more secure than websites with HTTP encryption. They are most likely to host pop-up ads, putting you at risk of unwanted spam and infection. HTTPS websites secure all the information you enter on the site. The ‘s’ itself in HTTPS stands for ‘secure.’

2. Consider disabling pop-ups on your web browser and report the spam event as junk.

3. Use the NordVPN Threat Protection feature to protect your computer from malicious websites and harmful links.

Conclusion | Were You Able To Remove Calendar Virus From iPhone?

With the preceding discussion, we can understand how important it is to avoid and remove the iPhone Calendar Virus if infected. You will most likely suffer from a malicious attack if you click any such fraudulent link or subscribe to pop-up messages.

Hence, try to avoid those. Moreover, secure your network connectivity using NordVPN. It boasts an extensive and diversified server collection, an impressive arsenal of seldom-seen technologies, and strict privacy and security procedures. It also employs the most recent WireGuard technology.

So, give it a shot today!

FAQs Related To Removing iPhone Calendar Virus

Q1. How do I get rid of a virus on my iPhone calendar?

You can remove the iPhone Calendar virus by clicking the “Delete Calendar” on the information icon on your subscribed calendar.

Q2. How do I get a virus on my iPhone calendar?

You may get a virus on my iPhone calendar by clicking any fraudulent link or subscribing to unknown pop-up messages.

Q3. How do I remove a virus from my calendar?

You can remove your calendar subscriptions from your iPhone settings, and you can remove a virus from my calendar.

Q4. What to do if my iPhone calendar has been hacked?

Open your iPhone settings and then move to “Password and Accounts.” Click the “Accounts” option there and delete your spam calendar there. 


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