
You can find articles on the latest news, troubleshooting, updates, and tips and tricks relating to Windows operating system.

Tips & Tricks

Why is the Wish App So Popular Among Shopaholics?

Agree or not, but there's no joy greater than online shopping. Getting all our products delivered at our doorstep, without having to go out, stand in long queues, minimizing the hassle is one of the most significant conveniences that techno...


How To Disable Centered Taskbar In Windows 11?

In contrast to previous versions of Windows, which have kept all open and pinned apps aligned to the left, Windows 11 now maintains them all in the middle. As usual, users react negatively to such radical changes to the taskbar and the Star...


How to Fix Biomutant Crash on Windows 10 PC?

Biomutant has been one of the anticipated action-adventure games of this year. It is an amazing game that is mind absorbing and people keep on playing for hours at a stretch. However, not all gamers can do so due to repeated crashes and oth...


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