
How To Use a Chromebook Offline

The final spritzer

Formerly, Chromebooks were mainly cloud-based. But that’s not the case anymore If you just bought a new Chromebook and wondering what you can do with it when there is no internet connection or thinking if you could use a Chromebook without internet. Then you are at the right place. 

The better option to enjoy a Chromebook, or most laptops, is without a doubt with internet service. Still, the OS of Chromebook has developed, and there are offline apps you can use even when your device is not connected to the internet. 

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Will All Apps for Chromebooks Function Offline?

The straight answer is No. Many Chromebook apps require an internet connection in order to function considering the nature of internet applications and services. The exciting thing is that most Google apps—many of which are unquestionably among the most helpful on ChromeOS—support offline use. Naturally, setting these up online is required, but once you have, you may use them from anywhere.

First, let us disconnect our Chromebook from the Internet. To do so follow the steps below.

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3 Ways To Use Chromebook Offline

The offline mode on your Chromebook has now been enabled. Now let’s look at how to use a Chromebook offline with Google apps.

1. How to Use Google Docs/Sheets Offline

You can now use  Google Drive without the internet to complete your work, from writing documents to updating spreadsheets. Your work will be synchronized and accessible on other devices once your Chromebook reconnects to the internet.

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2. How to Use Gmail Offline on a Chromebook Without Internet

Due to its inability to display new emails, Gmail’s offline version has some limitations. Emails can be written and sent when disconnected from the internet, but Google won’t forward any email until you get online again.

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3. How to Watch Movies & TV Shows using Chromebook Offline

You can enjoy movies/shows offline when your Chromebook while you are still connected to the internet by downloading a film or television program to watch later. You must purchase the programs or films you like to watch to download them via Google TV. How? Read on.

You can use the app at any time to watch the movie or episode offline when it has finished downloading.

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To Wrap This Up

So, this is how you can use a Chromebook offline. These are just a few of the offline activities a Chromebook allows you to perform. Configure your Gmail & Google Keep Notes accounts to support mobile note-taking and offline email access. Also if you also know some other things/tasks which can be performed on a Chromebook without the internet then let us know in the comments below.

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