duplicate files

How To Protect Folders From Being Scanned For Duplicates Using Duplicate Files Fixer?

With many files being accumulated on our computer, it is essential to identify and remove duplicate files to avoid unnecessary occupancy of storage space. Many programs are available, and Duplicate Files Fixer is a great application that can scan and delete duplicate files like videos, images, documents, and audio files. However, sometimes it is important to maintain duplicate files for many reasons. Thus, it is important to exclude or protect folders from being scanned by duplicate file finder software.

Let us first understand how to check for duplicate files using Duplicate Files Fixer, and I will also explain how you can add exceptions to this application so that your folders are protected and untouched.

How To Remove Duplicate Files By Using Duplicate Files Fixer?

Duplicate Files Fixer is an easy-to-use application that thoroughly scans your device, lists out all types of duplicate files, and removes them to declutter and reclaim storage space. Here are the simple steps that will enable you to delete exact and near-identical files from your system.

Step 1: Download and install Duplicate Files Fixer by pressing the button below.

Step 2: Launch the application and register it with the key you have provided in your email after purchase.

Step 3: Once the registration process completes, you need to select the type of files you wish to scan. You can choose between “All Files” or “Custom Scan” to get results as per your preferences.

Step 4: Click on the “Scan For Duplicates” button to begin the scanning process.

Step 5: Once the process completes, you will be shown a pop-up box, asking you whether you want to manually mark duplicates or use the “Auto Mark” feature to conveniently select duplicates based on set rules.

Step 6: Preview the list of duplicates that appears in the group. Select the files you wish to delete and click on the “Delete Marked” button.

Step 7: Click on the “Yes” button on the confirmation box that appears, so that you can get rid of clone files on your Windows PC.

Note: Deleted duplicate files from the Local drive will be automatically moved to the Recycle Bin!

Step 8: Wait for the process to complete, and you can either rescan your computer or exit the application.

This will remove all the duplicate files from your system depending on what you have selected,

Step On How To Protect Folders From Being Scanned For Duplicates Using Duplicate Files Fixer?

The “Protect Folder” option in Duplicate Files Fixer lets you choose specific folders that you don’t want to be checked or modified when removing duplicate files. This means that the files inside those folders will be kept safe and won’t be accidentally deleted. It’s helpful if you have important or sensitive files in certain folders that you want to keep untouched.

Step 1: Launch the Duplicate Files Fixer software and click on the “Protect Folder” button on the bottom right.

Step 2: This will open Windows Explorer, where you can navigate to protect certain folders during the duplicate scan.

Note: Any folder selected under Protect Folder list will be scanned for duplicates but it won’t be auto-marked for automatic deletion.

Another option present in Duplicate Files Fixer is to “Exclude Folders” in Duplicate Files Fixer. Any folder selected under Exclude Folder list will not be scanned for duplicates until it is removed manually.

This way, you can save certain duplicates on purpose if you want and protect folders from being detected by a duplicate file finder software like Duplicate Files Fixer.

How Is Excluding A Folder Different From Protecting it?

When a folder is excluded in Duplicate Files fixer application, it will not be scanned for duplicates. This option is very necessary for those who purposefully maintain a set of duplicates on their system. If you wish to scan the excluded folder then you will have to manually remove it from Exclude Files/Folders list.

However, protecting a folder does not exclude it from being scanned for duplicates. In other words, if you add a folder to Protected Folders list, it will be scanned like any other folder on your system. The difference in a protected and normal folder is the fact that the duplicate files in a protected folder will not be marked for deletion when you click on the AutoMark button on the top-left corner. You will have to manually mark each duplicate from the protected folder and then click on the Delete Marked button.

The Final Word On How To Protect Folders From Being Scanned For Duplicates Using Duplicate Files Fixer?

Although most of us would like to get rid of all the duplicate files on our computer, some would want to keep some of them for different reasons like editing, modifying, or just to be on a safe side. Well, there is no harm in that as the choice is always yours to make. The above feature to protect folders from being scanned is available in Duplicate File Fixer, which has one of the highest accuracy rates when it comes to scanning and identifying duplicates from your computer.

For any queries or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. We would love to get back to you with a solution. We regularly post on tips and tricks, along with answers to common issues related to technology.

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