
Are you finding it challenging to stay focused, organized & productive? If yes, we’re here to help you with the best apps, tools & services.


How to Manage Your Files With Microsoft OneDrive?

Similar to Google that has Google Drive and Apple that has iCloud, Microsoft owns OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive). Cloud storage services are very much in vogue these days, as people and businesses are reducing their requirements to r...

For Windows 10

How To Use Google services On Windows 10?

Google has a lot of products but getting them on Windows 10 used to be a challenge but not now as third-party developers and Google's PWAs have worked to provide Windows 10 users Google services on your computer.We just need to search in th...

For Android

10 Best Apps That Track And Limit Social Media Usage

Criss Jami correctly said, “An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate”. In this age of technology, it is next to impossible to resist living without a  smartphone. And it is justified, with our sma...

Gmail Tips

How To Recognize Spam And Phishing Emails

Emails are lifeline of any internet profile that is used for any formal communication. An email from your email address is recognized as an authorized email that is perceived to have valid and clutter-free information and attachments. Howev...

For Mac

How to Go Incognito on Mac

“Privacy is like eating and breathing, one of life’s most basic requirements” ~ Katherine Neville Cybercriminal acts are rising at an alarming pace. Hackers and intruders are constantly discovering new ways to jeopardize our digital ...

For Mac

How to Use Emoji on Mac

Using Emojis is the most wonderful way to express your emotions while communicating online. It allows you to say so much more in lesser words while making your interactions entertaining and full of life. Be it a mundane email or a text, add...

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