

How to Choose A Gaming Monitor: Things to Keep In Mind

Whether you are a competitive gamer or a casual gamer, how to choose a gaming monitor, can be a very confusing question to find solution too. Quality of hardware can be the difference between average gamer and good gamer. To get the best re...


Best Offline/Online Football Games For Android In 2023

Football or soccer is one of the most entertaining games in the world. It is not only enjoyed by playing on the field or watching a game but also on your smartphone. With advanced graphics and high-resolution screens, playing football games...


10 Best Offline Adventure Games For Android In 2023

Adventure is a feeling where you feel the adrenaline rush through your body. Some experiences that make you feel pumped up, an experience that takes a whole lot of strength, risk, and boldness.  One can do many activities to feel advent...


NVIDIA ShadowPlay Not Recording: Here Is What You Can Do!

Using the ShadowPlay recording feature on the GeForce Experience overlay, many gamers record gaming videos. Nevertheless, some gamers are unable to use that feature. On the NVIDIA forum, several GeForce Experience customers have complained ...


Best Games You Can Get on Mac Steam

On a Windows PC or a computer, it is comparatively easy to install and play games you like. Mac computers are best in productivity and in the design but since a long time Mac users have compromised on gaming. Well there is some good news, n...


6 Xbox One Tips to Make the Most of Your Gaming Experience

Talking of gaming consoles, if there’s any tough contender to PlayStation 4 then it’s none other than Xbox One. Whether it’s Sony’s PlayStation or Xbox One, both these consoles are capable of taking your gaming experience to a whole...


Why is PUBG So Addictive? And How To Curb your Addiction

From a 15-year high school kid to a middle-aged MNC professional, PUBG is like that universal addiction that ties each one of us together. It’s not just a game, but it has become more of a trend that everyone wants to adapt to. PUBG fever...


12 Best VR Games You Will Love Playing

For years, gamers have been looking out for titles where they can be part of the story and have ability to step inside, interact and reach get a first-hand experience. This all is now possible, after years of failures and success virtual re...


Why Should You Never Download Pirated Games?

It is not easy to make digital content and hence the software developers often charge money for their apps/games. However, some are not willing to pay the price and opt for pirated or illegal versions of the game and this can lead to copyri...

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