For iPhone

For iPhone

How To Access Photos In Messages On iOS 12?

You can send videos and photos via Messages on Apple devices since iOS 3 was launched. To do that you just need to tap on the camera icon and choose the photos or videos that you want to send. With iOS 12, things have changed. However, this...

For Android

Best Ways To Video Chat Between Android And iphone

Today, people can connect with everyone instantly with their smartphones! With inception of front-facing cameras, several apps found their way to industry through which one could video chat! Creating video chat applications for similar OS w...

For iPhone

How to Fix iMessage Not Activating on iPhone

Quick Tip: If you just bought an iPhone or switched from an old one to a new one and facing iMessage not activating issue, we’re here to help. Additionally, give the app a reset if you are stuck on iMessage activation and wondering why iM...

Exif editor

How to Extract Pages from a PDF in Android & iOS

When dealing with large PDF Files, sometimes you just wish to split relevant pages and separate those important parts to save into another individual file. Just like when you download an eBook and you want to save certain chapters from it, ...

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