Boost Your Email Skills With 5 Must Have Web Apps

Email skills

Email management taking too much of your time? Look into these apps that will help you to convert unformatted, immature looking emails into well formatted professional emails with ease. Boost your email skills with 5 must have web apps.


  1. Pro Email Writer

Wonder how to write a professional mail? Don’t know how to refine it in such a manner that it looks like a professional email?

Well, Pro Email Writer will help you achieve it. It is an amazing nifty tool that lets you make your immature and unprofessional email look like a professional email.

email templates

With the huge collection of templates available, it lets you address almost every issue you face in your professional life. Need to keep a check on your spelling mistakes, aim for good grammatical text and an effective writing pattern is all you can easily achieve with Pro Email Writer.

You can even search for templates related to job search, resignations etc.


  1. HTML Mail

Having a well formatted mail is not an easy task to accomplish and many of us fail at it. An email with proper font and formatting is the first thing that gives a good impression to the reader.

While formatting an email with normal email clients is not an easy task, with HTML mail it is a cake walk!

With HTML mail, you can easily compose well formatted email just like they are done in MS Word. HTML mail works only with Gmail. While using it for other email clients, users need to copy paste the HTML code into the service’s HTML view.


  1. Unsubscribe Robot

Are you fed up of the annoying newsletter that keeps on bombarding your Inbox on a regular basis?


Applying filters seems an option to get rid of these unwanted newsletters. However, applying so many filters seems to take a lot of time and energy.


To overcome these newsletters spamming your inbox and automatically have them unsubscribed, make use of Unsubscribe Robot. Forward all such emails at and let it do the task for you. As soon as you forward the email, it will unsubscribe you from the newsletter and you will not see mails landing to your Inbox from the specific email address.


  1. Publish This Email

View you email converted to a web page in seconds, try Publish This Email. Simply forward or send any of your mail to and it will convert it into a web page. Isn’t that amazing? You can also delete the web pages when not required.



Do you also find creating signatures difficult in Gmail or Apple Mail? Use to make it a cakewalk.  Add your professional, personal details. Not just this you can also add links of your social media account. These links when added, get displayed as icons(clickable) below your name.


A variety of styles to choose from also let you choose the colors and fonts. MySignature is not limited to Gmail and can be used on many email providers.

So, guys these were some of the apps that can make your unprofessional emails look like a professional email. Boost you email skills with 5 must have web apps.

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