For Mac

Best Websites To Download Dynamic Wallpaper for macOS Mojave

With the arrival of macOS Mojave in 2018, Mac users can stay away from the boring static wallpaper in front of their eyes and hope for more interesting and dynamic wallpaper styles. From changing sun position on your desktop to noticing the various logical pictures on your screen, your experience will only gain differently.

Though you can notice that Apple itself provides two dynamic wallpapers, to begin with, third party websites are stacked up already with Mac OS Mojave wallpaper. From various options available on these websites, pick your favorite MacBook dynamic wallpaper and see the magic on your own.

How To Set Up Your ‘Own’ Dynamic Wallpaper?

So before you move ahead to download a Mac OS Mojave desktop wallpaper, we want to convey to you that your creativity can even stick up on the screen, it’s just a matter of some minutes using a third-party app.

1. Dynaper

How about dragging and dropping an image of your choice in HEIC format? Dynaper is quite smart and detects EXIF metadata to change the time duration of image display on your screen. In case you are looking for solar shifting in the wallpaper, use Solar Wizard! Though this app will itself recommends time duration for each wallpaper, customization lies in your hands only.

Other helping tools include Time Helper, Solar Helper, and HEIC metadata.

Download Dynaper Here!

 2. Dynamic Wallpaper Club

Apart from multiple dynamic wallpapers that are already present here, Dynamic Wallpaper Club comes with the ‘Create’ tab. This tab allows you to sign-in, upload multiple images after which you can select time mode, preview the style and it’s done!

Along with this, you also need to enter names and tags of each image. Your images if contain metadata gets the suggestion for display time. In case it doesn’t have one, you can manually select the mode. Upload the final image in Public Library for display and if you wish to avoid it, uncheck the Public Wallpaper box.

Reach Dynamic Wallpaper Club!

Best Websites To Download Mac OS Mojave Desktop Wallpaper

Now we’ll take a walk through the websites that contain dynamic wallpaper for your dynamic attitude.

1. DynWalls

Regularly updated with new dynamic wallpapers if contributed, Dynwalls will never disappoint you. It has a plethora of genres like Earth, Jupiter, City, Space Station, etc. to choose from. Yes, most of them are space-themed with design base of NASA resources, you would love to wander into this world differently.

Reach Dynwalls!

2. Dynamic Wallpaper’s Club Gallery

Now, this is the place where you won’t leave without gaining something. Yes, we have talked about Dynamic wallpaper club earlier as well to create customized wallpaper but just look at its gallery. Landscape design, space cycle, animation, spaceship and what not is available here. Hence, dare not to miss this website at any cost if you are searching for mac dynamic wallpaper.

Reach Dynamic Wallpaper Club!

3. 24 Hour Wallpaper

This MacBook dynamic wallpaper app offers multiple wallpapers that change dynamically to match the time of the day. All images here are shot at beautiful locations around the world like New York, Paris, Amsterdam, Tokyo, etc. and available in 5K resolution. Interestingly, each sequence consists of more than 30 images to settle the entire duration of the day based on the present location. Cool, isn’t it?

Reach 24 Hour Wallpaper!

4. Jetson Creative

Such an interesting place to find mac OS Mojave desktop wallpaper, Jetson Creative has majorly 4 dynamic wallpapers to choose from. From the view of San Francisco to International Space Station, New York to High Sierra, a 24-hour lapse is amazing to watch for.

Now if you love these 4, grab some more amazing wallpapers from their app store!

Reach Jetson Creative!

5. GenoApps

This website has 2 Mac dynamic wallpaper to check for, both being Earth. Interestingly, both show a satellite view and prepared while keeping in mind the American time zone.

Reach GenoApps!

How To Set Up Mac OS Mojave Dynamic Wallpaper?

As you select the particular HEIC image to set as the backdrop, right-click on the file and choose ‘Set Desktop Wallpaper’, just like you choose for normal background change.

At the same time, you can also visit Settings, choose Desktop & Screensaver and click on the Plus button. Finally, select the wallpaper to be settled. And it’s done!


So now you must be aware of customization in wallpaper on your own terms, how to download a new amazing macOS Mojave wallpaper and of course, how you can set it up. This whole guide must be perfect for all those who are looking at the dynamic attitude in the wallpaper.

If you have any suggestions to add on, please share the same in the comment section below! And do not forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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