Software & apps

5 Best Brightness Control Software For Windows 11/10 PC

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably found yourself squinting at your computer screen at some point or another, struggling to make out the text or images on the display. Whether you’re working late into the night or dealing with a glare from a nearby window, a too-bright or too-dark computer screen can be a real strain on your eyes. Fortunately, there are several desktop brightness control software options available that can help you adjust your screen to the perfect level of brightness. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the top 5 desktop brightness control software options for Windows 11/10.

So, without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the best desktop brightness control software for Windows 11/10.

Why It Is Necessary To Have A Brightness Control Software For Your PC?

Have you ever noticed that the brightness of your computer screen changes when you move from a bright room to a dark one, or when it gets dark outside? It can be really annoying, right? Well, that’s because your computer doesn’t automatically adjust the brightness of your screen to match the lighting conditions around you.

This is where brightness control software comes in! It’s a program that you can install on your computer that will automatically adjust the brightness of your screen to match the lighting conditions around you. That way, you can work or watch videos on your computer without straining your eyes or feeling uncomfortable because of the brightness of the screen.

So, in simple terms, brightness control software is like having a special helper on your computer that makes sure your screen is always just the right brightness for your eyes.

5 Best Brightness Control Software For Windows 11/10 PC

1. F.Lux

F.lux is a popular desktop brightness control software that adjusts the color temperature of your computer screen according to the time of day. It makes your screen warmer at night and cooler during the day, which helps reduce eye strain and improves your overall sleep quality. By utilizing your device’s location and current environmental (room) conditions, this software determines the timing of sunrise and sunset while also factoring in the expected amount of daylight for that particular season.

This app also can automatically adapt your screen brightness according to the amount of ambient light present in your surroundings. It is free to download and easy to use, making it a great option for anyone looking for a simple yet effective brightness control solution.

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2. CareUEyes

The user-friendly interface of CareUEyes is both straightforward and comprehensive, rendering it accessible to new users. Furthermore, it provides a variety of predefined presets that can be customized to meet your specific requirements. For instance, you can choose to turn up the brightness when you’re working in the workplace but turn it down when you’re at home or during the nighttime. The software also allows you to assign hotkeys for quick adjustments to brightness, reading mode, color temperature, and other settings.

It is a desktop brightness control software that offers premium services, including a free trial, and a modern interface. It also boasts several unique features that set it apart from other brightness control applications.

3. ReadshiftGUI

RedshiftGUI is a free and open-source brightness control software that uses your computer’s location data to adjust the color temperature and brightness of your screen automatically. It’s a great option for people who work in dimly lit environments or at night and want to reduce eye strain and improve their sleep quality. This application also offers a selection of pre-made color temperature templates that are tailored to match a diverse range of lighting environments.

By mitigating the effects of artificial light during nighttime hours, this feature can help improve your sleep quality. Additionally, for those using laptops, this capability can conserve energy and improve battery life.

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4. Iris

Iris is a versatile blue light filter and screen brightness control software that operates on multiple platforms. This application is available for purchase and includes a plethora of customization options that allow you to tailor your display brightness according to your sleep patterns and current location. It enables users to accomplish a variety of tasks, ranging from simple screen brightness adjustments to more intricate adjustments involving gamma, saturation, and other parameters.

The software offers a monthly subscription option at a nominal cost or a lifetime license for a one-time fee of $14.99.

5. Windows 11 Night Light

Windows 11 Night Light is a built-in feature in Windows 11 that allows you to adjust the color temperature of your screen to reduce eye strain and improve sleep quality. It’s a great option for people who want a simple and effective brightness control solution without having to download and install additional software. This feature is easy to access and customize, making it a great option for anyone looking for a quick and easy solution.

Press Windows + I keys to open Windows Settings > Display > Night Light.

Next Read: 5 Best Apps to Control Screen Brightness on Android

To Wrap This Up

If you are someone who spends a lot of time on your computer, desktop brightness control software can be a great way to reduce eye strain, improve sleep quality, and optimize your computer screen’s brightness to suit your preferences. The five options we discussed in this article are all great choices, so take some time to explore them and find the one that works best for you.

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