Author bio

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani

Dheeraj Manghnani likes to read and write about latest technological developments that make life simpler in today's intricate world. He has been fascinated by technology since he got his first computer and is on a never ending quest to know more and share his knowledge with others.

Fauxpersky: A New Malware Released In 2018

Digitalization has improved our standard of living considerably, making things easier, faster and reliable. But then maintaining all records on computer and processing through internet is like a coin with two dissimilar sides. With countles...


5 Things To Remember Before Factory Resetting Your Android

During the stone age, a mere wooden stick may have been considered a prized possession but it’s all about smartphones in the 21st century. Irrespective of demographic variables which vary among different regions of the globe, smartphone u...


Google Plus Codes: A Remarkable Advancement In Navigation

“To Travel is to Live” as quoted by famous Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, has now become true in its literal sense. Most of us must travel to different places within our country or across the globe to achieve our goals or live o...


Why Were These Apps Expunged From Play Store

From time to time, Google does announce a list of apps which would no longer be available on the Play Store. The main reason for this is the non-compliance of the app in accordance to Google policies which include copyright infringement and...


How to Organize SMS Inbox On Your Smartphone

Most people consider SMS to be extinct feature from the early days of cellphone. But these days SMS have gained popularity for informational and security purpose rather than personal communication. SMS helps provide OTPs (one-time authentic...


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