10 Best Porn Blocker Apps for iPhone- Block Porn on iOS

In this article, we will discuss the best apps to block porn on the iPhone and other iOS devices.

Do you often hand over your iPhone to your kids to browse websites for their assignments? Then it is normal for you to be worried about what they are browsing. Sometimes a case may be, where they see an advertisement containing pornographic content. This means guided access on iPhone cannot always help you, especially when Safari browser is open and your iPhone is with your kids.

During such times, only the best porn blocker app for iPhone can help you. If you go to the App Store, you will find hundreds of applications which claim to block porn on your iPhone but only a few are truly helpful. Here we are listing 10 best porn blocker apps for iPhone which can effectively block porn on your iPhone.

Best Apps to Block Porn Sites on iPhone

1. Porn Block Plus:

porn blocker plus

Porn Block Plus efficiently blocks all the pornographic stuff on Safari browser. The best part, you are not required to use a third-party browser to make this application work. It installs as a plug-in for Safari browser which can be enabled by going to Settings>Safari. Apart from blocking porn websites you can also block adult content or advertisements on other websites and the good news is the application is totally free. With this app installed you can confidently handover your iPhone to your kids and can even browse safely sitting with your family members.

Read Here: Parental Control Apps To Keep Kids Safe Online

2. xBlock Porn Blocker:

If you want to stay clear and want to avoid pornography then another best porn blocker apps for iPhone which you can choose for this purpose is xBlock porn blocker. The app seamlessly works with the inbuilt Safari browser. You can also block websites manually which is an additional functionality. With this application you can fearlessly handover your iPhone to your kids and family.

Xblock porn blocker

3. Shield Porn Blocker:

Shield porn blocker is the next app to block porn on iPhone. It protects you by blocking inappropriate content and porn sites best part about this app is that it not only restricts websites, but it also blocks specific posts on social media platforms having pornographic data. The app protects you from around 1 million porn sites and its search engine filtering also works very well.

shield porn blocker

4. Secure Teen Parental Control:

Worrying about the exposure of kids towards nasty content over the internet is a genuine concern of every parent but thankfully there are some applications which can help you to protect your child from being exposed towards the pornographic world. Secure teen parental control is one of them. It not only protects them from going through porn or explicit content but with this you can also limit the screen time on your device which makes it one of the best apps to block porn sites .

secure teen parental control

5. Porn and ad Blocker:

As you never want your kids to go through the pornographic stuff and worried that how to block all porn websites on iPhone. So here is an application which blocks porn sites as well as adds related to pornography. Some of the qualities of this application are that it is highly customizable having a deep integration with Safari browser. By blocking porn and unwanted ads you can also save a little data and this makes the app One of the best porn blocker for iPhone.

porn and ad blocker

Also Read: Best Call Blocker Apps For iOS and Android

6. Safe Browser for Education:

To block pornography and explicit content if your idea is to install a dedicated browser which can be used by your kids then you should go for this web browser from Metacert. It is a perfect solution for safe browsing for schools and family. At the same time, you can lock Safari browser using guided access or restrictions.

safe browser for education

7. X Porn Shield:

Porn shield is another app which blocks porn and explicit content on Safari browser itself. The application is having an intelligent sense to block images which may content pornographic content to block porn on your iPhone you will need to choose from monthly or yearly subscription.

X porn shield

8. Anti Porn- Internet Blocking & Filtering:

It is a must have app if you are one of those parents who frequently handover their iPhone to their kids for learning. In the application you can go through two approaches. Either you can whitelist some websites which can be opened on your iPhone or you can blacklist porn sites. The best part is application blocks in appropriate content written in other languages too.

9. Porn blocker Adult Content Blocker:

Keep your child and family away from the pornographic content with this best app to block porn sites. It is totally compatible with Safari browser. The application comes with 2 options for the subscription one is with free trial for a week and you will be charged for the next week and the other one is for the month. If your purpose is to block porn sites for a short term then you can cancel the subscription and uninstall it after availing 7 days free trial.

porn blocker adult

10. Blockade:

Blockade app with a simple interface helps you to block disturbing ads and porn on your iPhone. It is not only useful when you are giving your iPhone to your kids to browser but it is also helpful when you want to browse without any interruptions. The application is compatible with both iPhone and iPad and easily integrates with Safari browser.


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Wrapping up –

So, these were the 10 best porn blocker apps for iPhone. You can choose any one of them as per your choice. Porn blocker Plus app is completely free and easy to use and above all it blocks porn effectively. So now you can block pornography quickly and your kids can enjoy healthy browsing on your iPhone.


  • comment_avtar
    Q Esther Hamilton
    Thank you. Very helpful.

    5 years ago
  • comment_avtar
    I downloaded porn block plus on my boyfriends iPhone, created a password but I now forgot it. How do I change it?

    2 years ago
    • comment_avtar
      Mridula Nimawat
      Hello Eva, Please try using the recovery email address or get in contact with the support team. Hope it helps.

      2 years ago

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