How to Fix “The Software for this Device has been Blocked” Error on Windows 10 (Code 48)


Did you encounter the “The Software For This Device Has Been Blocked From Starting Because it is Known To Have Problems With Windows” on Windows? Well, the full error message somewhat looks like this. (Refer below snapshot)

The Software for this Device has been Blocked

Also known as Error Code 48, this error usually occurs when some recent changes have been made on your system while installing new or existing hardware about which Windows is unaware, or maybe the device drivers of that pertaining peripheral device were not compatible with your system.

Luckily, by following a few troubleshooting steps, you can quickly fix this issue on your Windows 10 device. But before we proceed, let’s get a quick understanding of the Code 48 error and the reasons what cause this error on your device.

Also Read: Best Software for Clean PC

Let’s get started.

What is Error Code 48?

Error Code 48 is encountered when a certain hardware device’s driver gets corrupted or incompatible with your system, which blocks the software of the device from performing its operations.

What causes Code 48 error?

Most common causes for this error include:

  • Outdated Drivers
  • Corrupted registry files
  • Virus or malware
  • Recent installation/update changes made on your system.

How to Fix “The Software for this Device has been Blocked” Error on Windows?

Here are a few useful solutions that will help you resolve Error Code 48 on Windows 10.

Solution #1: Reboot your Device

Starting off our list with the most simple, effortless yet effective method. We know it’s quite hard to believe, but most device driver errors are fixed by simply rebooting your device.

Reboot your Device

So, before you move ahead to more complicated troubleshooting hacks, make sure you first try your luck by restarting your device.

(Fingers Crossed)

Solution #2: Re-install Device Driver

Now let’s proceed to our next solution. So, if any recent changes have been done your system, uninstalling and reinstalling the hardware device drivers can help you to overcome this issue. Here’s what you need to do:

Right-click on the Start menu, launch Device Manager.

In the Device Manager window, right-click on the hardware device with which you’re facing the issue and select “Uninstall Device”.

Error Code 48

To confirm your action, Windows will display a pop-up notification whether you want to uninstall the device or not. Tap on OK to confirm.

Reboot your device. As soon as your system restarts, Windows will automatically reinstall the hardware device that allows you to start afresh.

Also Read: Here is the 10 best Driver Updater Software for Windows to consider.

Solution #3: Scan your Device for Potential Virus, Malware Threats

The presence of virus or malware can also be a common cause for your hardware device drivers to not function properly on your system.

To make your job easy, you can use the Advanced System Optimizer tool that safeguards your system from any potential virus or malware threat. Apart from this, Advanced PC cleanup also allows you to get rid of junk/redundant files while improving the overall performance of your system.


Using a nifty tool like this will help you to quickly scan your entire system for viruses or malware, and in just a few clicks you can strengthen your PC’s security and performance.

Solution #4: System Restore

As we mentioned earlier, “the software for this device has been blocked” error usually occurs on Windows due to some recent installation changes made on your device, right?

So, what’s the best possible way to fix this? Well, you can use the Windows System Restore feature to roll back and restore to previous settings. In this way, whatever recent changes that have been made on your device can be eliminated from your device as soon as you restore to a previous checkpoint created by Windows. Here’s what you need to do to use this feature.

In the Start menu search box, type “System Restore” and hit Enter.

Select “Recovery Options”.

System Restore

In the Control Panel window, tap on the “Configure System Restore” option.

Configure System Restore

Tap on the “System Restore” option to undo the recent system changes that took place on your device.

System Restore

Once you choose this option, Windows will automatically roll back to the last restore point. In this way, any recent changes that have caused the registry files or driver failure on your system can be recovered.


Here were the 4 useful solutions that can help you fix the “The software for this device has been blocked” error on Windows 10. You can use any of the above-mentioned methods to resolve Code 48 error on your device. We hope these solutions help you to eliminate the error. Good luck!


  • comment_avtar
    Srishti Sisodia
    Thank you for the detailed information, Rimzhim.

    5 years ago

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