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Most Wanted PDF Tips and Tricks To Up Your Productivity Game

The final spritzer

Considering both professional and non-professional uses, PDFs are a popular format for reading documents. People from all walks of life – students, business professionals, housewives, writers, you name it, swear by PDFs as a way to access documents for the simple fact that they offer graphic integrity, can incorporate any kind of content, provide high-end security and most importantly, PDFs can be read on any device – desktop, smartphone, tablet, and others. 

Knowing that many of us use countless PDFs daily, how can we be more productive and efficient around them? That’s precisely what this post’s for.   

How Can PDFs Help You Increase Productivity

– Create PDFs of several articles on the web. 

– By creating PDF documents, you can make them uneditable. 

– You can take a snapshot of notes on a whiteboard and convert them into PDF. 

– Password protects confidential information. 

Convert a variety of file formats into PDFs

Share PDFs with a large number of people. 

Best Tips and Tricks To Manage PDFs and Increase Productivity

Install a PDF Manager Right Away

To enjoy the various benefits of a PDF and to take your productivity to the next level,  you can install a PDF management utility, after which you can do many things with PDFs apart from just viewing them.  Advanced PDF Manager is one such PDF management utility, which is easy to use and will make your PDF experience all the more enjoyable. 

Here are some of its features at a glance –

  • Merge and split PDFs
  • PDF encryption 
  • Create duplicates 
  • Change PDF view 
  • Reorder PDFs
  • Remove PDFs
  • Rotate multiple PDFs

Advanced PDF Manager – Free Vs. Paid

You can first try out Advanced PDF Manager for 14 days, where you can test all the features to your heart’s content. After that, you can upgrade to a premium version where all the features and updates will be available for a lifetime. The premium version (post the 14-day trial period) sells at $39.95. The below-mentioned screenshot gives you a glimpse of what you can expect from the free and paid variants.  

Want to know everything about this wonderful PDF management tool? Here is a comprehensive review of Advanced PDF Manager.

How Can Advanced PDF Manager Help Improve Your Productivity

Let’s have a look at some of the features of Advanced PDF Manager and put them in context with some day-to-day scenarios –

1. Merge or Split Multiple Files In A PDF

Merge  – 

Sometimes you cannot attach various PDF documents to one email and expect the recipient to download each PDF file for evaluation. The smarter move here is to merge all the PDF documents into one. In the case of multiple recipients, every recipient can view the exact PDF they want instead of downloading several PDF documents and then searching for the one they need. 

Advanced PDF Manager helps you merge PDF documents in a hassle-free and efficient manner. You can begin by selecting a base document and adding PDFs you want to merge with this base document.  

Split – 

Advanced PDF Manager can also be productive when you split PDF pages. Maybe there is one specific PDF page you want to focus on or want someone to analyze. In such a case, you can select the Split option, select a page or pages from a PDF, and split these pages to one side. 

2. Remove PDF Pages

Let’s say that some pages in your PDF are unwanted. Maybe you want to remove specific chapters from a book to focus on only those that are an intrinsic part of your curriculum, or it could be that a page of your CV contains some redundant information that you want to remove before sending your CV across to your prospective employer. You can easily do that with the help of a PDF management tool like Advanced PDF Manager. You can add your PDF > select the page or pages you want to remove and then click on the remove button. The best part here is that you can preview the pages before you choose to delete them.  You can even reorder the PDFs as per your needs.

3. Encrypt PDFs

You may want to restrict unauthorized access to the PDFs you send. It could be that you are sending confidential documents to a colleague of your team and don’t want others to peek into the PDF. In that case, you can encrypt PDF documents using a password.  

4. Rotate Multiple PDFs

You might want to change the rotation or orientation of multiple PDF documents based on your viewing preference. Advanced PDF Manager lets you do just that. With the help of this PDF management tool, you can rotate multiple PDFs or choose specific pages you want to rotate. 

Wrapping Up

If you are someone who has to deal with hundreds if not thousands of PDFs regularly, a PDF management software like Advanced PDF Manager is a great tool. And, if by the means of this post, you were able to enhance your productivity around PDFs, do give us a shoutout and share it with people you care for. For more such content, keep reading WeTheGeek.

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