How To Fix Unreal Engine Keeps Crashing In Windows 10 PC?

Unreal Engine is one of the foremost gaming platforms used by many game developers worldwide. Although it is very stable and does not generally cause problems, there have been gamers reporting issues with Unreal Engine crashing on their PC, making it unable to play games. This guide will explain a few steps that will help resolve this issue for good.

Steps On How To Fix Unreal Engine Keeps Crashing In Windows 10 PC?

A few steps are mentioned on various gaming forums that have been useful for players across the globe that had been facing issues similar to Unreal Engine 4 Crashing on PC. You need not follow all the steps and check if the issue occurs again after each step. You may ignore the remaining steps once your issue has been resolved.

Method 1: Update Unreal Engine App

Unreal Engine App

All applications require updates to function flawlessly, and the Unreal engine is not different from any of them. To check your Unreal Engine version and new updates, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the EPIC game launcher and then click on the Unreal engine tab located in the launcher window’s left panel.

Step 2: Next, click on the Library tab on the top and locate Engine Versions in the page’s center.

Step 3: Click the small arrow under Engine Versions and you will find the current version number along with any updates available.

Step 4: Carry out the updates and check if the Unreal Engine crashing issue has been resolved.

Method 2: Verify Unreal Engine Installation

Unreal Engine Installation

If updating does not fix the Unreal Engine 4 crash issue, then you can verify the installed files on your system by following these steps:

Step 1: Open the EPIC Game Launcher and click on the Unreal Engine tab in the left panel.

Step 2: Next, click on the Library tab and then click on the Unreal Box’s small down arrow.

Step 3: From the dropdown menu options, click on Verify and wait until the process completes.

This step will fix any corrupted installation files of the Unreal Engine on your computer and resolve Unreal Engine keeps crashing on your PC.

Method 3: Stop Overclocking CPU

Most gamers overclock their PC to use the hardware to its full capacity. All hardware manufacturers limit the default settings of your hardware to help sustain it longer. However, most of these devices, like graphics cards, processors, etc., can be pushed more to realize the ultimate gaming experience.

The overclocking process is not recommended by many. If you face issues related to unreal engine 4 crashes, you must immediately set your clock speed back to default and check if the issue persists.

Method 4: Disable Antivirus Temporarily

Due to increasing malware attacks, most of the Antivirus/AntiMalware apps are updated to detect any potential threats and malicious activities. This could also result in your antivirus trying to block Unreal Engine, and this could result in Unreal Engine keeps crashing error. In this case, you need to follow some basic steps, which can be slightly different based on your antivirus.

Step 1: Open your antivirus app and search for an option to disable it temporarily. You can also look for an icon in your taskbar and make a right-click and toggle it OFF.

antivirus app

Step 2: Once the Antivirus has been temporarily turned off, launch Unreal Engine and check if Unreal engine 4 crashes persist.

Step 3: Turn On the protection as soon as possible to avoid any damage.

Note: If you do not face any sort of Unreal Engine keeps crashing issues, then you need to add an exception for the executable file of Epic Games launcher in your Antivirus.

Step 4: Add an exception to the executable file in your Antivirus by accessing Settings.


This will ensure that the Antivirus will not scan or hinder the Epic Games folder. If the issue is not resolved, then you must contact your Antivirus support for further options.

Method 5: Update Device Drivers

If your antivirus is not the culprit, you can update all your drivers, especially the graphic driver. Drivers are small programs that communicate between the OS and the hardware. Maintaining your drivers will ensure that a PC has smooth and flawless performance always. There are two ways to update your drivers:

Option 1: Update Drivers Manually

The first option to update your computer drivers is to prepare a list of all the hardware installed in your system, along with their make and model. Then you will have to visit the official support website of each hardware and download the latest driver and install it. This process consumes a lot of time and effort and requires good technical skill and knowledge.

Option 2: Use a Driver Updater Application

The second option is quite an easy one to complete this mammoth task by using a third-party application like Advanced Driver Updater. This application can scan your hardware and the drivers installed and identify the outdated, missing, and corrupt drivers among them. It also searches for the updated drivers and installed them for you. Here are the steps that will help you understand better how to use this application:


Method 6: Reinstall Unreal


Download EPIC Launcher

The final resolution to resolve Unreal Engine keeps crashing is to uninstall all your games, the Epic Launcher, and the Unreal components from your system. Then try to make a fresh install of all these components and check if the Unreal Engine 4 crash persists.

The Final Word On How To Fix Unreal Engine Keeps Crashing In Windows 10 PC?

You would not enjoy your gaming experience if you are facing the Unreal Engine Keeps Crashing issue on your Windows 10 PC. The above mentioned six methods will resolve your issue. Keeping your drivers updated has known to fix the many problems on your system. It is recommended to use Advanced Driver Updater to update all your drivers in one go rather that a step-by-step manual update that would take ages to complete.

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  • comment_avtar
    Mridula Nimawat
    Keep the device drivers updated on your computer to free it from unwanted system crashes.

    4 years ago

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