
How To Delete Saved Passwords On Chrome Browser

In today’s digital era your password is one of the most important assets that you always carry within your mind. If you’re skeptical about sharing your password with anyone, you may be surprised to know that your browser is already aware of every password that you’ve ever used. Yes, almost every popular web browser remembers your password by default. However, you may choose to opt out or delete saved passwords.

Google Chrome is one of the most used web browsers with maximum user base. This makes it the most targeted browser by hackers. Now that every 7 out of 10 machines are running on Chrome, why would anyone not target this browser to steal your saved passwords. But, if you remove saved passwords from Chrome, you can safeguard your confidential information.

How To Delete Remove Password On Chrome Browser?

When you realize that you have been using the autofill and auto suggestions while filling various fields, it is time to clear all passwords on Chrome. You wouldn’t want to lose your banking credentials and social media account passwords to be stolen to a hacker. Once you’ve decided to remove saved passwords from Chrome, you don’t have to indulge in too much technicality as you’ve got two major ways to clear all passwords:

1. How To Delete Saved Passwords On Chrome With Advanced Identity Protector (Recommended):

2. How To Remove Saved Passwords Manually

Overall, you can clear all passwords on Chrome without messing up with the browser settings. If you don’t want to untune the settings, it is recommended to use the dedicated Advanced Identity Protector to remove saved passwords from Chrome or other browsers as it is designed to target only the specific piece of data without hampering other settings. If you’re technically sound, you may choose to go the other way. It is important to know that passwords once deleted could not be regained. You may choose to save passwords to the vault if you’re using Advanced Identity Protector and stay free. If you wish to share your opinion, do let us know in the comments below.

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