Tech News

Google’s New Policy To Delete Inactive Accounts: What You Need To Know

  • The post informs readers about Google’s new policy of deleting inactive accounts from Friday, December 1, 2023.
  • Find out the criteria for deleting such accounts, the benefits of executing the policy and ways to prevent your Google account from being deleted.
  • Get direct links to Google’s Support Pages for more information and guidance.

Why Is Google Deleting Inactive Accounts?

According to Google’s updated inactive account policy, which was released in May 2023 – Inactive accounts will be deleted to free up storage space, and energy resources and prevent security risks.

How does Google define an inactive account?

An inactive account is one that has not been used within a 2-year period. Google determines the activity based on actions like – signing in to any of the services, reading/sending email, using Google Drive, spending time on YouTube, sharing a photo/video, or using Google search.

Which Google Services are affected by the policy?

Google’s updated inactive account policy is applicable to almost all Google products and services, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, Google Ads, YouTube, and more. The policy does not apply to the Google Accounts that were set up for the user by their Work, School, or other Organization.

How Is This Policy Beneficial for Users and the Environment?

There are numerous ways in which Google’s inactive account policy will help users and the environment. Some of the common ones are listed below:

For Users:

Many older Google accounts use recycled passwords and often lack robust security measures, rendering them susceptible to hacking and phishing attacks. Removing these accounts is essential for ensuring that user data remains uncompromised and protected from unauthorized access.

For The Environment:

Google aims to delete inactive accounts to decrease its carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption in its data centres, processing billions of gigabytes daily. This initiative not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also creates space for active users.

How Can I Prevent My Account From Being Deleted?

The simplest way to keep a Google Account active is to sign in at least once every 2 years. Additionally, you can perform some activities such as reading an email, watching a video, or using Google search.

What Will Happen to My Data if My Account Is Deleted?

If your Google account gets deleted due to the policy, you will lose access to all your data and information related to your account permanently. This means, you no longer will be able to sign in to any Google Service or restore your account.

If you want to keep your data safe, we advise you to download and export your data before the account gets deleted. You can use the Google Takeout tool, which allows users to download all their data from all the Google Services they’ve been using.

Bottom Line

Please remember to check your Google account activity and storage usage before Friday, December 1, 2023, and take the necessary steps to prevent your account from being deleted. If you have any queries related to the Inactive Google Account Policy, navigate to the Google Account Help Page. Follow us on social media – FacebookInstagram and YouTube.


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