Google’s G Suite—All You Need To Know About!

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Whether big or small, no business can survive without technology. There are always a certain set of tools and applications that a business needs to implement their actions. These tools and applications can be anything, say like Microsoft Suite which comprises of Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Paint and so on. Similarly, even Google offers something which is especially designed to cater the needs of small business and enterprises, known as G suite.

What is G Suite?

G suite is basically a bundle of tools and applications which can boost your business’s productivity by offering you a bunch of cloud computing products. It was initially launched on 28th August 2006 by Google and comprises of Docs, Sheets, Slides and more. Apart from offering these basic functionalities, G Suite also allows you to have a unique domain name for your enterprise (, unlimited cloud storage options, advanced settings and more.

How is G Suite Better than Microsoft Office 365 Suite?

Microsoft Suite has been around since a while! In fact, if we roll back in time, imagining life without Word, PowerPoint and Excel kind of seem next to impossible. Even today many businesses choose Microsoft suite over G Suite without a second thought. But this is majorly due to the fact that most of us are not aware about how flexible and user friendly G suite is in comparison to Microsoft Suite.

One of the most significant reasons which makes G suite way better than Microsoft is the fact that G Suite is all about cloud computing, all your data stays safe and secure on cloud locations. You don’t have to worry about disk failure, hardware crash or any other mishap which might possibly affect your data. In addition to this, in case of G Suite you don’t even have to worry about storage space as well. And last but the not least, it offers pretty affordable plans in comparison to Microsoft Office 365 Suite which is why G suite deserves all in all one big thumbs up! So, before you think about how to use G Suite here are a few reasons why it makes it a basic necessity for your business.

G Suite Comprises of All Basic Apps and More…

G Suite not just offers you a bunch of basic standard tools and applications, in fact it’s a lot more than that. Here’s a list of standard apps which come along your G Suite:

Real Time Collaboration

One of the best things about working on G Suite is that multiple people can work on a project across devices and collaborate in real time altogether. Any changes which a specific person makes on a document or sheet are automatically saved to drive. So, if you have a bunch of teammates who’re living in a different city or place, working on G Suite makes working together a whole lot easier.

Easy and Faster Communication

In just one tap, you can convert your meeting into a face to face video conference and communicate on the go via any Smartphone, laptop or tablet. You can also use Shared Calendars to check schedules of other team members or to check on them whether they’re free not at a specific point of time.

Cloud Storage

Well, this is one sole reason which tops all other things in a go. G Suite keeps all your data safe and secure on cloud locations. With cloud storage, your data not just remains safe but access also becomes a whole lot easier. You can quickly invite others to view, download, and collaborate on any file of yours and all the changes will be saved on drive automatically.

So folks, here were few reasons why G Suite is the ultimate need for your business. If you’re thinking how to use G suite, get started with G Suite via this link. Do your best work, put everything under one package and start working seamless via any PC, Smartphone or tablet.

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