
25 Facebook Tips and Tricks That You Just Have to Know!

If you are in your mid/late twenties (or older), you probably started using Facebook before it became the ‘place to be’. Today, the ‘mammoth Facebook community’ is a world in itself. Over the years, the social networking site has undergone many changes in terms of features, functions, and usability. From profile to timeline or starting as a friend’s community to becoming the foremost source to connect with the world, it has grown exponentially.

While Facebook was growing this big, it also integrated some amusing features in to its interface for its users. Yes, we are certain that you must be aware of most of these, yet Facebook is bigger than you ever imagined. So here’s a list of Facebook’s hidden tips and tricks to enhance your Facebook experience just that little bit more.

Timeline Tips & Tricks


Facebook Messenger Tips & Tricks




These steps will enable Facebook Text on your account. You’ll now be able to send message via Facebook Text.

Facebook Friends Tips & Tricks

Alternatively, you can also unfollow your friends by clicking/taping on the drop down arrow of their post and tap on unfollow.

While your Facebook experience must already be great, yet these Facebook tips and tricks will make it even better. Try them and out and let us know your experience with them. Do know any such cool tricks? Let us know in the comments section below!

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