Future Tech

COVID-19 How Will It Change Future Of Tech Events

Soon after the news of tech events being canceled due to coronavirus, we could have covered this post. But looking at the present scenario thinking about anything positive is not possible. Even more, no one can predict how we’ll feel after this all is over.

Tech giants like Facebook, Google, Apple, and others have already lost major events. Not only this due to coronavirus MWC, CES, E3, Tokyo Olympics, Wimbledon, all have also been canceled and more are going to join them.

Looking at this, if we say this shall pass and it’s only this year that the events are obstructed, in 2021 things will be back to where they were it would be sheer stupidity. But there’s one thing that tech even hosts, organizers, small and big companies need to think about.

Going forward will tech events be the same? Will they cease to exist or will they change radically?

In regards to this, Apple has already given an answer as the company announced that it is switching to online mode.

With that said, should you think about hosting tech events?

For a variety of reasons – market play, business model, to promote themselves, learn, mingle companies host tech events. As these are the big piece of the pie and parting from tech events won’t be easy. Therefore, to decide what to do in the future they will have to compare the ROI of their events versus 2020 and other years.

Whereas those who have canceled the event or are planning to put on an online-only version they will have to compare it with the cost of the offline event. Given the market condition, this comparison won’t be easy because coronavirus has not only affected the health industry but has also disturbed economic-based decisions

Looking at all this, if companies decide to not host events or to go online nobody should be surprised, as each company will have to decide on their own.

But one thing is sure it will be difficult to decide which way to move forward.

Is it worth attending tech events?

Due to this current scenario companies need to evaluate and decide if they want to go with tech events in the future. Similarly, attendees are also re-evaluating whether they should attend tech events in the future or not. Based on what’s happening in 2020, some will make abrupt decisions of not attending events anymore however, some will look at what they missed and what they gain.

The next thing that will matter and will affect your decision is what worked and what didn’t. Everyone will consider the market conditions and the cost to attend the event. They will evaluate it in terms of money, expertise, what they will get and more in between.

Who Has Been Affected The Most?

The most affected sector this year is mid-tier and small-tier companies as tech events give them a platform to get attention. In absence of them, they will think of other ways to stand out this will include online events and another form of marketing. If any of these techniques work, they will also think about attending tech events in the future or not.

Roughly speaking, they will compare the cost of offline activity with the online one and will see how successful one is in terms of ROI. All of this will help them decide whether they want to attend or organize offline events anymore or not.

Then there comes the most important question of networking. Usually, small companies or start-ups seal a deal during these events but if they can do so via online events then why to attend tech events just for relationship building. Some might want to skip the events completely whereas some will take it as learning and will compare both. All of this will change many things for tech events and attendees.

Is another thing worth highlighting is will it be deemed safe to attend tech events? There will be a caution sense of urgency and skepticism.  Similarly, the way things panned out will always be in the mind of everyone and all this won’t change overnight.

The Changes To Come

But there’s a flip side to it, due to social distancing people will be looking forward to these tech events as it will give them a platform to meet and interact. There are chances that more tech events will be shifted to online but what will happen and how no one knows. The only thing that is certain is that coronavirus has changed everything and nothing will be the same again. There will be fear, aggression and what not among people.

To make these events come back on track both organizers and attendees will have to work as their balance can only force and help pull opposite directions.

Whatever the result be we will keep a watch on it and will update you. What do you think will happen? Please share your thoughts.

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