Identity Protector

Secure your confidential and sensitive information such as passwords, email accounts, and more.

Backup & Recovery

How To Lock WhatsApp Chat On Samsung Devices

With over 700 million monthly active members, undoubtedly WhatsApp is one of the most used apps for smartphones. Moreover, it is a reliable communication tool where you can share pictures, music, contacts, and other information. However, as...

For Windows 10

Ways To Force Change Password On Windows 10

There are lots of features offered by Windows operating system. We use most of them, but still we aren’t aware of the rest. Many of the features are regarding security and are under admin control. Similarly, there is one more security set...


Smartphone Fingerprint Scans : Not So Secure

One of the first things we do whenever we buy a new cell phone is sync our biometrics onto it. Be it the Facial ID feature on the iPhone or the simple yet highly effective Fingerprint ID. Scanning technology on a smartphone is not anythi...

Cyber Security

13 Ways To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

Identity Theft is a major concern for whoever maintains an active online presence via social media or via online retail and banking activities. Online mediums and platforms have certainly made our lives easier. None has to visit banks anymo...

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