Exif Data

Exif Data

How To Batch Edit RAW Image EXIF Metadata On Windows

Several professional photographers prefer capturing pictures in RAW file format, as it’s best for producing high-quality images. In fact, working with a RAW file in an image editor gives meticulous control over editing – you can achieve...

Exif Data

8 Best LaTex Editors Of 2023 – Listed Top Latex Editors

LaTex or Lamport Tex is not a new term for those who are regular with writing journals of technical, mathematical, psychological or scientific fields. It is so as LaTex has become one of the most popular methods of document presentation and...

Exif Data

27 Cool Mac Tips & Tricks You Probably Don’t Know: Part I

I bet you do not know all this is possible with your Mac. I have been using Mac for long but still some of its features surprise me whenever I come across them. Mac is amazing and much more advanced than the average system as far as perfor...

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