For Android

Android Apps That Do Wonders When Your Internet Is Slow

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It is normal for web browsing and functioning of important apps like navigation apps to get impacted at places with no connectivity. Owing to this, people face a lot of problems. On the contrary, if there is even limited data connectivity, chances of getting stuck get minimal.

Though smartphone technology has advanced a lot, one sector that needs an applause is the development of apps that work with limited data connectivity.

These apps are a boon for people with scarce connectivity and work easily at places where there is bad connectivity. While these apps do not work at places with no Internet facility, they can do wonders when the Internet is slow.

Android Apps That Work Even When The Internet Is Slow

This article covers 6 Android apps that do wonders when your Internet is slow. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s Start:

1. Data Saver Mode

Don’t worry when you have limited data. Every browser on Android now comes with a Data Saver mode that you can easily enable and save Internet data.

Data Saver mode easily lets you browse the Internet with limited data.

2. Google Go

Another app that surely marks its place on our list of Android apps that works even when your Internet is slow is Google Go.

Discover, share and explore the web with Google Go. It is easy to use and fast app by Google that comes with powerful features and gives you options like Translate, Maps etc.

With it installed on your Android device you can easily switch between languages, discover popular and new trends, search for your interests at a much faster speed. It also lets you set your own background.

Download Google Go from Play Store.

3. Facebook Lite

Facebook recently came up with its new app that lets you connect with your friends and family in a much lighter manner. Make use of least data to connect through social media.

With Facebook Lite installed on your Android phone you can also use it in 2G conditions. The features available are sharing, liking pictures, search for new people, and also editing your profile.

Download Facebook Lite from Play Store.

Also Read: 21 Best Android Optimizer and Booster Apps 2018

4. YouTube Go

Still worried about how will you watch YouTube videos without Internet connection. Well, you don’t have to be troubled about it, simply install YouTube Go and enjoy uninterrupted videos on YouTube.

With YouTube Go, videos can easily be downloaded and viewed offline. The downloaded videos are compressed and hence doesn’t eat up bandwidth. You can also share videos with your friends and family.

Download YouTube Go from Play Store.

5. Facebook Messenger Lite

An efficient messaging app that lets you stay connected with people consuming the least of data. Facebook Lite is easy to install and occupies minimal storage space on your Android phone.

An easy to load, quick messaging app that works in conditions where there is slow or non-persistent Internet connection.

Download Messenger Lite from Play Store.

6. Datally

Keep track of your data usage with this nifty little app. Datally allows you to save mobile data efficiently. Easily keep an eye on the installed apps that eat most of your Internet data and block them using this amazing application.

Wi-Fi finder feature also searches for Wi-Fi networks in the nearby vicinity.

So, now when you are at places where you have limited data connectivity, don’t worry about using your phones. The above-mentioned apps will definitely help you. Install these 6 Android apps that do wonders where when your Internet is slow and don’t miss a chance to enjoy.

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