Microsoft office 365

150 Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys – Part 2

Shortcuts can be helpful and especially if they are for Excel. In our previous article, we have listed some of the basic shortcuts. Here we would be discussing some complex shortcuts to make your work easier on MS Excel.

150 Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcut Keys – Part 1

S.No. Shortcuts Description
71 Ctrl+Shift+( Unhide Rows
72 Ctrl+Shift+) Unhide Columns
73 Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar Selects the entire sheet but if you have data on the sheet, the action will select the current region and performing the action twice, will select the entire worksheet
74 Ctrl + Shift + O Selects all the cells with comments
75 Alt + H, FF Home select Font Face;Now, use Arrow Down to select.
76 Alt + H, FS Home select Font Size; use Arrow Key, then Enter to change size
77 Ctrl + Shift + ; Enters the current time on a cell


78 Ctrl + Shift + = Insert a new column or row.
79 Ctrl + Alt + V Opens the Paste Special Dialog box
80 Ctrl + Shift + F4 Find Previous(with a search box)
81 Ctrl + Shift + L Turn on/off Filters
82 Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left/Arrow Right Select or deselect one word to the left/ right
83 Ctrl + Shift + Drag Drag and insert copy
84 Alt + Shift + Pg Dn Extend selection right one screen
85 Alt + Shift + Pg Up Extend selection left one screen
86 Ctrl + Shift + Home Extend selection to first cell of the worksheet
87 Ctrl + Shift + End Extend selection to last used cell on the worksheet (lower-right corner)
88 Shift + F10, then U Unhide the selected columns
89 Ctrl + Shift + * Select current region around active cell
90 Ctrl + Shift + [ Select all precedents
91 Ctrl + Shift + ] Select all dependents
92 Alt + H + 6 Indent
93 Alt + H + 5 Remove Indent
94 Ctrl + Shift + F Display Format Cells with Font tab selected
95 Ctrl + Shift + A Insert argument names into formula
96 Ctrl + Shift + F9 Force calculate all worksheets
97 Ctrl + Shift + U Expand/ collapse formula bar
98 Ctrl + Shift +Tab Go to previous workbook,(workbook) Move to previous tab(Dialog box)
99 Ctrl + Shift + F3 Create name by using names of row and column labels
100 Ctrl + Shift + F Display Format Cells with Font tab selected
101 Ctrl + Shift + & Add border outline
102 Ctrl + Shift + _ Remove Borders
103 Ctrl + Shift + $ Enables Currency Format
104 Ctrl + Shift + % Enables Percentage Format
105 Ctrl + Shift + ^ Enables Scientific Format
106 Ctrl + Shift + # Enables Date Format
107 Ctrl + Shift + @ Enables the time format with the hour and minute, and indicate AM or PM
108 Ctrl + Shift + ! Enables Number Format
109 Ctrl + Shift + ~ Enables General Format
110 F10 + Shift +Del Deletes Comment
111 Alt + Space Displays Control Menu
112 Alt + H, FD, U Selects all Formulas (Home – Find – Formulas)
113 Alt + Shift + ? Groups selected PivotTable items
114 Alt + Shift +? Ungroups selected PivotTable items when on group header
115 Alt + D + P Formats number in comma format.
116 Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 Rechecks all the dependent formulas, and then calculates all cells in all open workbooks, including cells not marked as needing to be calculated
117 Alt + F, O + 1…9 Opens recent file (1 to 9)
118 Alt + F, O, Y, 1…Z Opens recent file (10 upwards)
119 Alt + F, O, K  File Open from OneDrive Link
120 Alt + F, P  Open File Print menu
121 Alt + H, IS Inserts worksheet (Home – Insert Sheet)
122 Alt + H, DS Deletes worksheet (Home – Delete Sheet)
123 Alt + H, OR Renames worksheet (Home – Format – Rename worksheet)
124 Alt + H, OM Move worksheet (Home – Format – Move worksheet)
125 Alt + H, OT Changes Worksheet tab color, continue with mouse or arrow keys (Home – Format – Tab color)
126 Alt + W + FF  ViewFreeze or unfreeze; unfreeze works for any Freeze Setting
127 Alt + W + C ViewFreeze first Column on screen
128 Alt + W S Split or unsplit Worksheet at current position
129 Alt + W + R ViewFreeze first visible Row on screen
130 Shift + F10, then R  Remove one or multiple hyperlink(s)
131 Ctrl + Alt + Arrow Right/ Arrow Left Move to right/ to left between nonadjacent selections
132 ALT+ JT X Expand all fields
133 Ctrl + Shift + +  Insert pivot formula/ calculated field
134 Ctrl + Alt + V, then V, Enter Paste Values
135 Ctrl + Alt + V, then T, Enter  Paste Formats
136 Ctrl + Alt + V, then E, Enter  Paste Transposed
137 Ctrl + Alt + V, then W, Enter  Paste Column Width
138 Ctrl + Alt + V, then U, Enter  Paste Values and Number Formats
139 Shift + Arrow Down, F2, then Ctrl+Enter Fill a cell’s content down to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down
140 Shift + Arrow Up, F2, then Ctrl + Enter  Fill a cell’s content content up to all cells selected with Shift+Arrow Down
141 Shift + Space, Ctrl + Shift + + Select a row; then insert one row above it
142 Shift + Space, Shift + Arrow Up/Arrow Down, then Ctrl + Shift + + Select multiple rows; then insert the same number rows below it.
143 Ctrl + Space, then Ctrl + Shift + + Select single row, then insert a row below. Select multiple rows to insert multiple rows
144 Alt + H, AB Align Bottom
145 Alt + H, W Wrap or unwrap text (Home – Wrap Text)
146 Alt + H, MM Merge cells – Merge
147 Alt + H, MU Merge – Unmerge
148 Alt + H, MC Merge and Center
149 Alt + H, MA  Merge Across (merge all columns)
150 Alt + H, AM Align Middle

These are the shortcuts that can be used to simplify the work on Excel.

Do use them and let us know if they helped you.

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