12 Best Diet and Nutrition Apps

diet and nuturation apps

These days managing calorie intake to stay healthy has become a major issue. Most people suffer from various health issues due to obesity. In order to stay fit one must keep a check on their diet and eating habits.

But what is the best way to monitor our habits  and  stay fit. Adopting a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity will surely help us to shed those extra pounds. So that means we go on a diet frenzy? No, you just have to a keep track of the calorie intake in our diet as today’s digital age provides a solution to almost all the problems with smartphone apps.

A simple app will help you achieve it, being healthy is not a one-dimensional approach, you need to know the right combinations of good nutrition, work-life balance, quality sleep, regular exercise, and a balanced or moderated approach to what you eat, drink and otherwise consume in your day to day existence will help you to attain it.

In this article we bring the best weight loss apps for you. Just download them to get in shape and lose weight by turning your iPhone or Android into a personal trainer and dietician. These apps will help you to lose weight, stay fit and will help you to stick with your plan. Also will encourage you to eat healthy food. These apps focus on three key areas food logging, activity, and motivation.

Linking Smart Phone Apps, Motivation to Lose Weight

Consuming healthy foods and knowing the exact portion of the food you should eat helps you to stay fit. There are so many junk food options around us which always distract us from our goal and make it difficult to adhere to a healthy living plan.  Our determination, dedication alone cannot help to lose weight until and unless we know the right path. If you’re really serious about losing weight, you are just an app away. A right app is just the extra bit of help that’s needed.

Phone apps help you stay fit and lose weight, use any of the below mentioned app on your Iphone, Android phone to lose weight.

In this article we bring for you collection of all these apps which are quite valuable especially if you are aiming to stay fit and lose a significant amount of weight. They will surely help you to be in shape.

 1. FatSecret Calorie Counter

FatSecret calorie counter

Calorie Counter by FatSecret is more basic and most importantly free than many of these other apps. It meets all the needs of a weight loss app and includes a dietary diary for easy record keeping of the food that you eat and the calories that you burn. It comes with a widget if you need recipe ideas. It provides healthy recipes, physical activity logs, food diaries, charts and journals for keeping records that are reliable and accurate.

Support groups and other participation groups offer motivation to continue the use of the app. The app has adequate storage that allows convenient access to your data.

It also allows users to share their data with healthcare professionals through FatSecret Professional, enabling users to get personalized advice and support from their physicians.

Download on Google Play

Download on App Store

 2. Fooducate


Fooducate is a calorie counter app preferred by people who always like to check the nutritional composition at first place. The app not only count your calories, but it also helps analyze the value of the calories consumed. It has a product database of over 250,000 items along with a community forum to get further help.

In addition, it also identifies your allergies in your diet and provides an alert for you.

Download on Google Play

Download on App Store

3. Lose It

lose it

Lose It! is another popular calorie counting application, it comes with a food database, dietary plans based on your needs, the barcode scanner. You can more features if you buy the premium version. The app lets you connect devices like the Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, RunKeeper, and even Google Fit.

Also you get challenges that will help you in your weight loss. To use the app you only require to enter your age, weight, height, the desired weight you aim at and the food or diet you take on a daily basis. The app will then calculate your daily and weekly calorie intake including the nutrition information of your diet intake in that period.

Download on Google Play

Download on App Store

4. My Diet Coach

my diet coach

My Diet Coach has a different approach it brings fun to weight loss and keeps you motivated when it comes to weight loss. It offers load of things like tips, photos, and rewards to keep you motivated. The app has some basic features like calorie counting, progress tracking, reminders to do things like eat or drink water, and there is even a visual weight loss tracker so you can see the change.

Another feature is the “panic button” but it is available on the “pro” version only. Users can use the button to get tips to avoid eating unhealthy food whenever cravings arise.

Download on App Store

5. MyFitnessPal

my fitness pal

MyFitnessPal is the most popular app amongst fitness freaks. It has all the features including a database with over five million foods and full sync with their website service for counting calories cross-platform.  Also there is a fitness tracker with 350 exercises that covers both cardio and strength training. The app computes the number of calories you take in consideration of the physical exercise that you log in.

Download on Google Play

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6. My Net Diary

my net diary

My Net Diary gives you new menus and new diets which contain low calories. It keeps track of your calorie intake and the vitamins required to fulfill your day and tracks the amount of water you have taken.

Download on Google Play

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7. Cronometer


Cronometer is the app with best sync services, diet chart, weight, and physical exercises tracking. The app conducts advanced analysis based on the daily records and also tracks the micronutrients in your food.

Currently not available on Google Pay

Download on App Store

8. Diet Assistant – Weight Loss

diet assistant 

This app is right for you, if you are looking for a range of meal options, it gives you variety of eating and dieting plans.

Diet assistant app also features nutritional facts, meal and weight entry reminders, BMI calculator, and weight graph to keep track of your progress.

Also Read: 8 Best Fitness Apps to Keep You in Good Shape

9. DietPoint – Weight Loss

 diet point

This app provides over 130 diet plans for weight loss and has more than 500 weight loss tips.  A BMI calculator along with a weight tracker is included to help you to monitor your own progress through your fitness and weight loss journey. Innovative meal reminders which are notifications that pop-up when it’s time for your next meal so that you won’t miss any meal of the day.

10. Diet Watchers Diary

Diet watchers diary

Diet Watchers Diary may turn out to be difficult app to use, while doing personal customization. With this app, users are can create their own database and then can use it to create their own diet. The idea behind the app is that once you see what you’re eating, it’ll encourage you to change to healthy options.

The app includes a point’s calculator, a food diary, point’s lists, and a weight tracker, meaning that you have all the tools you need to track and monitor your food intake and weight at your fingertips.

11. My Plate Calorie Tracker

my plate calorie tracker

MyPlate Calorie Tracker is one of the new diet and nutrition apps. It covers all the basics it also has a fitness section where you can plan exercises, integrate Google Fit data, and keep track of your water intake.

Download on Google Play

Download on App Store

Note: This app has been discontinued.

12. SparkPeople Calorie Counter

spark people calorie counter

SparkPeople’s Calorie Counter app helps you keep track of your diet by keeping a database of over three and a half million food items and more are updated regularly. It comes with a built in barcode scanner which helps you scan foods at the grocery store and see their nutritional information online.

The app provides exercise demonstrations, health articles, healthy recipes and any other information you may require.

Android Link Not Available

How helpful are these apps in losing weight?

The logic behind these diet/weight loss apps is that once you start seeing what you eat and the calories it has, it will encourage you to modify some food groups from your eating plan.

These apps will work as a watcher. Also as they are part of our smartphone, they make tracking easy and fun. Also seeing others sharing their weight loss story and food variations will not let our motivation die soon.


People have different opinions when it comes to managing calorie intake using an app. But these calorie counter apps will assist you to lose or gain weight and to balance your diet with the suggestions of exercise you can carry out. It is important to ensure that you track your calories intake.

You do not have to tech savvy to use them, all you need to do is to enter what you eat into the dietary diary and the activity you perform to burn calories.
Mostly all the apps include a weight tracker, a diet calendar, a barcode scanner, a photo album, recipe ideas. Give it a try and see the results.

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