Future Tech

World Environment Day Special: 7 Eco-Friendly Tech Things

“The Earth does not belong to Man, the man belongs to Earth”

~Chief Seattle

Believe it or not, we are so tied down with our routine lives that finding peace within our self becomes one seemingly impossible task. Taking out time for things that actually matter and make us feel alive is not easy.

The Earth has given us so many reasons to love it, and what are we doing in return to make it a sustainable planet for living? Global Warming, Deforestation, wasting energy resources, eh! No, Earth doesn’t deserve this nuisance and destruction. It is as greedy for love and growth as we humans here!

So this World Environment Day, we just thought of going green with technology. Here are the 7 eco friendly tech things you can’t help but will feel like buying right away.

  1. Mushroom Green Zero Wall Charger

Ever thought of a charger that’ll charge itself when not plugged in any device? No we’re not fooling around! Bracketron claims that its Mushroom GreenZero wall charger is the most eco-friendly way to charge a phone. It eliminates the unused power cutting back on waste by charging your phone in the most resourceful form.

  1. Gota Dishwasher

The Gota dishwasher made by Yanko Designs looks like a tiny spaceship, yet it really cleans the messy dishes by steaming them in the pre-washing cycle and keeping the water to reuse for later stages.

  1. Genius Mouse

The Genius DX-ECO 2.4 GHz BlueEye remote mouse is both easy to use and eco friendly. The mouse is totally without battery and its inherent gold capacitor allows more than 100,000 recharges. The mouse takes just three minutes to charge before it is prepared to run with its remote innovation.

  1. Solar Lawn Mower

The organization Husqvarna has launched a little, automatic grass trimmer working on solar power. On top of offering zero emanation, it will get the job done easily and faster. Pretty Cool, huh?

  1. San Disk Eco Friendly Flash Drive

This SanDisk flash drive saves files quickly eco friendly style. The 16-GB USB streak drive is encased in bamboo rather than plastic or metal, making it more eco-friendly as bamboo develops rapidly and discharges more oxygen than different trees. The flash drive is available on Amazon for just $16.79.

  1. Solar Powered Keyboard

This Logitech keyboard works totally off sun based power, which implies it needs neither batteries nor a fitting to be up and running, even inside. With no links, the keyboard’s smooth and thin plan keeps a work area cleaned up. The Logitech Solar App can also be downloaded so you can keep track of battery consumption.  And the best part is it just costs 59.99$

  1. Sunflower Outdoor Speakers

Sunflowers released Open air speakers that work on solar energy, enabling you to save some power. This speaker is likewise outfitted with an innovation which identifies the correct edge to play the music right where you are standing.

Loved these eco-friendly tech gizmos? Share your feedback in the comments section below!

Let’s make this Earth a better place to live-Go GREEN…Act now for a better tomorrow!

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