Future Tech

World-Changing Inventions That Got Lost Mysteriously in Time

Our world, our time, the time of technology, and advancements. Technology has taken so much space in our lives that now we can’t imagine even a day without it. From ever-evolving smartphones to ongoing hard work on building the world’s first Quantum computer, we surely have come a long way. We watch in awe as the industry booms.

But do you know that many inventions in the past were way ahead of their time? So much that it won’t be wrong to say that they would have changed the world as we see now. From killer beams to distributing electricity wirelessly, many of these inventions got lost over time quite mysteriously. Today, I am going to share with you some of these world-changing inventions that somehow got lost mysteriously in the time. Have a look:

Mysteriously lost over the time: World-Changing Inventions

What would you choose to see if you could see in the past and anything throughout history?

Most of the inventions on this list are going to sound like they are straight out of some science fiction movies of the 1950s, but they are not. In the early 70s, a newspaper in Italy reported the presence of a machine called Chronovision. The newspaper shocked the world by publishing details about the machine. They claimed that the machine allows users to see in the past. They also said that the machine was secretly kept by Vatican City, Rome. The report noted that the machine was invented by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti in the 1950s, who was a physicist by education. This made priests see the significant events in the past, such as the death of Jesus. The inventor took the machine with him, and it is believed that it is still being used today, deep down in the vault of the Vatican.

Something That Even Intrigued NASA

Image Source: TheWrap.com

Throughout history, many inventions that were created by amateurs but enthusiastic scientists out of curiosity and accident. One such invention was Starlite. Starlite is said to be a magical invention due to its incredible heat defying capacities. Maurice Ward, the creator of Starlite, noted that the material created by him can resist attacks by laser beams. Moreover, it could protect a human hand from being burned by a blowtorch. The material is described as an intumescent paint and can protect the surfaces from extreme heat, it is painted on. The creator died in 2011 and never revealed the secrets to anyone. Even after being offered massive amounts of money from companies like Boeing, Nasa, etc., he denied. It is said to have been made from polymers and non-polymers. There have been many efforts to reproduce it, but none reported success.

An Invention That Could Scare Oil Companies Around The World

Here, I am talking about Ogle’s Carburetor. Imagine an invention that increases the efficiency of fuel injected in engines to tenfold. Tom Ogle, on 30 April 1977, revealed his hard work to the whole world. He showed that Ford’s Galaxie was modified with his system to provide a mileage of 100 miles per gallon of fuel, whereas the factory version of the car could only give 13 miles per gallon of fuel. His invention could have changed how vehicles ran on the road, but Ogle died quite mysteriously just after 3 years of his unveiling his invention, and his secrets were either buried or lost. No one knows how or why.

8Kb = A full-length movie!!!??!!!

What if I told you that a full-length movie in HD quality, which takes around 2-3 GB of space, typically could be fitted in just 8KB of space? You won’t believe it, right? Neither did I when I first read about it. Romke Jan Bernhard Sloot, a Norwegian engineer in 1995, declared that he had invented a data compression technique/ system, through which he can easily fit a whole movie without decreasing its quality. It was also said that all the ever made could fit into a single CD-ROM if this technique was used. He tried to sell it to Phillips but died of a heart attack just before days of the official meeting.

Wireless Electricity? Anyone?

We all, in one way or another, have been using the inventions created by Nikola Tesla. One of the greatest inventors of all time produced many technological advancements that were way ahead of his time, but his greatest dream remains unfulfilled even to this day. He planned for a global scale distribution system of energy without the network of wires and that too at a low cost. He claimed that this system will not only be able to distribute power but also would work as a communication system by the transmission of signals. He talked about this idea publically from the 1890s to the 1900s and had even convinced the banker J.P Morgan to invest in his dream project. But, the funding was withdrawn by Morgan due to reasons, and the project was abandoned in 1906 and was never brought back again.

So, here were some of the world-changing inventions that got lost mysteriously in time. If we look around us, we can find a lot of mysteries waiting to be unveiled. It has been rightly said that the race of humans is explorers by nature. From finding answers to simple questions that pop in our head daily to creating inventions for the whole humanity, we all, in some way or the other, continue this nature of exploring in us.

If you know any more such experiments or inventions which could have changed the world from what we see as of now, then let us know in the comments. We would love to read about them as much as you did. And, thanks for reading! Have a good day ahead. For more tech updates, subscribe to our  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube channel to get all tech updates.

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