Command Optimization

Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts That You Could Use!

Do you have loads of work to finish and looking for a helping hand while working on Windows 10? Worry not here we bring for you a list of built-in keyboard shortcuts to make your work easy.

Keyboard shortcuts help to boost your productivity as our daily job depends on working with Windows. After using them, you not only get to do the work quickly, but it also enhances the efficiency.

You should give them a try to experience the difference they can make. It will take some time to get used to them; but once you know them you will find yourself getting addicted.

Windows 10 was basically designed with touchscreens in mind, but it did not forget its traditional PC users. To use the Windows 10 the old way with shortcuts, turn off the touchscreen and use the built-in keyboard shortcuts to work quickly.

List Of Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here’s a handy list of the most useful keyboard shortcuts for navigating Windows 10:

The basics

Start menu and taskbar

You can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close and control the Start menu and the taskbar.

The desktop: Windows, Snap Assist and virtual desktops

These shortcuts controls individual windows on your desktop, including virtual desktops.

The Windows key

These keyboard shortcuts will help you launching both Windows and third-party apps.

Command Prompt

You can use these keyboard shortcuts in Windows 10 Command Prompt.

With these keyboard shortcuts in a handy list, you’re going to be more efficient than ever before! Pretty soon you will be hooked to them and will use them to work quickly. It will do wonders for and will save you precious time.

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