Future Tech

Ways Companies Are Using VR & AR For Business

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are trending technology and it has helped people in various fields and is making people’s lives easy. These technologies starting from gaming and developing hardware to help IT field but has expanded its reach to health, finance, business and pretty much everywhere. However, do you want to know how exactly the industries got help from these technologies? If yes, then you have come to right place.

In this post, we have listed some of the popular ways companies are using AR technology and VR technology for their businesses.

1. What Is Better Than Fun?

Some companies use these technologies to help their employees unburden the weekdays stress on Friday so that their employee could relieve stress and spend a great weekend. Although these offices are also planning to introduce the concept of virtual office, due to which people would visit office without even being there.

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2. AR helps in trials

If you have access to AR, then you can try a new sofa in your office space without actually having it in physical sense, try makeup or beauty looks without even doing so. This makes it easy to decide which could be the best choice. 

3. Understanding The Concepts

When you plan something, you ask yourself about its benefits and how to do it.  It is about spending time with plan and right actions to get the end results, no matter whether its face to face convo, AR/VR.

4. Improve Customer Experience

Technology drives you always. Technology encourages experiential marketing; the important thing is you need to focus on how the decision could enhance experience. If you use AR and VR authentically and, on the place, where it is needed, then it could appear to be valuable. First decide who your clients are and then decide how to add technology bring vision.

5. Build And Reinforce Teams

Some company use VR/AR as to increase team bonding, make environment good and friendly. This increased connection between employee is plausible and healthy competition motivates their employees to assemble better team.

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6. Merge Paper And Digital

A business card with both print and digital via augmented reality, isn’t it something different? Business cards usually have short description and information about core products and services that it offers. Adding so much information in a business card could be difficult and putting it all there without making it hotchpotch is also a challenge. So, adding AR to business card make it work.

7. Corporate Training

Professional VR training provides team members better and detailed solution. It gives employees an in-depth, practical experience instead of just theory. These trainings prove to helpful and render better results. Moreover, they learn faster when employees go out in field.

8. Create Immersive Experiences

VR and AR technology can be used to create immersive experiences for our clients, to grab spectators’ attention and transport them. These technologies are generally used by the companies at events to steer audience. The aim to make sure that interaction is purposeful and

9. Give Virtual Tours

It can be used for PR firm focused on the telecom and tech space working with data center operators as they can use virtual reality systems or apps to provide tours of data centers. With Augmented Reality app or system, customers can position key enabling mechanics, can design the optimal space and provide tours of anywhere to anyone.

So, these are some of the ways in which augmented reality and virtual reality is used for businesses by different companies and agencies.

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