Future Tech

The Future Of AR Wearables And Demise Of Smartphones And Computers

The technology used in Augmented Reality is now entering mainstream as several leaders of tech companies are merging this technology into their devices. AR technology has been introduced in apps and mobile devices in the form of holograms and motion activated commands. Soon, the world will adopt AR wearables in the same way it adopted smartphone by discarding computers.

AR holds the ability to revolutionize the future with its amazing and revolutionary concept, in the same way, smartphones did to computers. Not immediately but gradually, this revolution will eat up the need of smartphones as well as computers. Presently, AR technology is in testing phase to be a part of the next generation of smartphones. Unaware,smartphones have kick started the process of its own demise.

Once AR technology will be in full-fledged mode, the smartphone will silently die surrendering to a whole new world. The destruction will begin with the camera. We understand that camera is the most vital feature of any smartphone. The credit goes to use of remarkable technologies like optics and artificial intelligence. But with the advent of ARKit and ARCore, the dawn of Augmented Reality has commenced. Now, Facebook’s AI Camera initiative and iPhone X features that can recognize your face along with Google’s intelligence ‘lens’ for detecting objects, the road ahead is crystal clear for AR technology.

Source: cashadvice

From holding up for extended periods to constantly demanding attention, smartphones become a great risk, if lost. Most of the AR applications especially wearables, eliminate this drawback. Besides, the view from phone camera is still small and in contrary, AR will offer 3D view of objects. What AR technology is planning to offer is fashionable AR glasses, which is connected to cloud and can reduce realistic digital projections in real time. It will change the way we communicate with each other in terms of visuals, voice and gestures.

Augmented Reality will modify computing standards in the same way smartphones altered personal computing. The use of sophisticated GUIs in personal computing revolutionized the way we did our tasks. Though computers entered our life decades ago, we have recently adapted the ability to connect with Internet, type emails and design things. Similarly, smartphones entered our life gradually and now has become part and parcel of our life. On the other hand, AR has unknowingly entered our life and in coming future, it will dominate the way we use technology.

Source: computer.howstuffworks

As far as computers are concerned, AR will eradicate the need of physical computers. The introduction of virtual computers will revolutionize the way we compute. This could be possible with Augmented Reality, where all we would need is a headset, saving space and energy and giving flexibility to use it anywhere. The headset will comprise of camera, sensors and gyroscope along with apps and other features.

The apps can be used anywhere in the space and the shelf will move around the workplace. This means screens can be rotated and resized and you can set up multiple browser windows in line, all visible at the same time. AR has the potential to save energy and time, and save this world from unwanted debris. Computers can run smoothly without being crashed.

However, we are still in the stone age when it comes to evolution of Augmented Reality. The future that we are anticipating could be much more different from now. But, recent developments have created an ecosystem of applications that would enable us to exploit the potential of the platform in near real time.

Read Also : Interesting Facts about Augmented Reality

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