
How To Fix Tab Key Not Working In Windows 11

The Tab key is a small yet mighty tool in your Windows 11 arsenal, allowing you to quickly navigate through forms, tables, and web browsers. However, when the Tab key stops working, it can be a frustrating and productivity-killing obstacle. Don’t worry, though – there are several steps you can take to fix this issue and get your Tab key back in action.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of fixing the Tab key not working in Windows 11, from checking your keyboard to performing a system scan. So, let’s dive in and get your Tab key back to working order.

Methods To Fix Tab Key Not Working on Windows 11

When the Tab key stops working, it can be a significant obstacle to productivity. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to fix this issue. So let’s get started.

1. Restart Your PC

Many users have reported that simply restarting their computer can restore the functionality of the Tab key. This easy fix has proven effective in numerous cases. Additionally, confirming that your wired keyboard is correctly connected is crucial if you’re using one. Disconnecting and reconnecting the keyboard may also help resolve the issue of the Tab button not working.

2. Check Your Keyboard

The next step to fixing the Tab key not working in Windows 11 is to check your keyboard. Sometimes, the issue is with the keyboard itself, and not the operating system. Make sure the Tab key is physically stuck and intact. If it is, you may need to replace your keyboard.

3. Utilize Keyboard Troubleshooter

Once you’ve confirmed no hardware issues with your keyboard, the next step is to investigate any possible configuration or systematic issues. To do this, you can use the keyboard troubleshooter, which is designed to identify and solve keyboard-related problems.

Once you’ve launched the keyboard troubleshooter in Windows 11, it will scan for any problems with your peripherals or drivers. If it detects any issues, it will provide recommendations for fixing them. Simply follow the instructions provided by the troubleshooter to resolve the issue and restore your keyboard’s functionality.

4. Disable Sticky Keys

Windows 11 includes a feature called Sticky Keys that allows you to press one key at a time for keyboard shortcuts, rather than having to press multiple keys simultaneously. While this can be a helpful feature for some users, it can also cause issues with the Tab key. To disable Sticky Keys, follow these steps:

Read Also: Logitech Keyboard Not Working? 5 Ways to Fix It Now

5. Turn Off TeamViewer

Several Windows users have reported that the remote desktop application TeamViewer can cause the TAB key to stop functioning.  If you’re experiencing the same issue, you may want to check if TeamViewer is running and shut it down if necessary. To do so, follow the steps below to locate and turn off the TeamViewer program.

After taking any of the recommended steps to resolve the issue of a non-functioning TAB key in Windows 11, you can test whether the problem has been resolved by pressing the Tab key and checking if it is now functioning properly.

6. Update Keyboard Driver

If your TAB key is not working in Windows 11, it could be due to an outdated or missing keyboard driver. To address this issue, it’s recommended to update your keyboard driver to the most recent version available. And you can do it by two methods – Manually or Automatically.


This can be done through the Device Manager or by visiting the manufacturer’s website for the keyboard and downloading the latest driver from there. Ensure that the driver you obtain is OS-compatible.


If you don’t have the time or patience to manually update your keyboard driver, there is an alternative option available: using a program such as Advanced Driver Updater. This software can automatically scan your computer for outdated drivers, including your keyboard driver, and download and install the latest version for you with just a few clicks.

The result requires a computer restart. Check to see if the Tab key still functions.

To Wrap This Up

The Tab key is a crucial tool for navigating and organizing information on your computer. When it stops working, it can be a significant obstacle to productivity. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to fix this issue. By checking your keyboard, updating your keyboard drivers, and disabling Sticky Keys, you can resolve the Tab key not working in Windows 11.

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