Future Tech

Nokia: The Phone Of Millennium Desired By Millennials

The final spritzer

Like phoenix rises from its ashes, Nokia too has risen!

Nokia created a history back in 2010 and was one of the most popular brand back then. But due to its negligence to respond to its competitor, iPhone and the shifting consumer demand that came with it, Nokia’s market share reduced drastically and it had to make an exist.

This doesn’t mean, the iconic company is gone forever. It has made its comeback with its 17-year-old phone with HMD Global. The legendary phone has been known for its longevity and near-indestructibility that changed the mobile industry forever. Nokia might have to struggle to make its place once again but there are certain models that are missed and if they are back it will surely be a treat for Nokia fans.

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Before we begin with the present-day Nokia’s offering let’s know what happened to Nokia in the past. Nokia was sold to Microsoft in 2013 and then was sold again in 2016 to Foxconn and HMD Global, a new firm controlled by former executives of Nokia and Microsoft. So now, Nokia’s licensor is HMD and it has already made its debut with 3310 the indestructible followed by Nokia 8110 the best-known slider phone. Both phones were launched during the MWC keeping up with Nokia’s tradition. Apart, from this what more can HMD Global do to revive? We’ve got some ideas based on users liking of the past.

Nokia 9000 Communicator (1996)


A captivating phone that looked like a brick at first glance. However, it was the first choice of the professionals it had a secret, you can open it from its side to access a large screen with a miniature QWERTY keyboard. It came with a small array of applications, including a web browser, a notepad and calendar, and the ability to send faxes.

Nokia 3210 (1999)


Nokia 3210 was the first ever mobile phone, people used to carry in their pocket. It wasn’t fancy like today’s smartphones but was smart. A device with endless battery life, snake the most popular game and most importantly fit in pocket and was loved by all. That time, it was the third bestselling phone and came in two colors black and metallic gray. The phone weighed only 153g yet was sturdy, drop it on the floor knowingly or unknowingly it will work.

NGage (2003)


Another classic offered by the Finnish manufacturer, a game changer. At the time when people carried two devices, their mobile and a handheld gaming console, Nokia combined the two into a pocket-sized device. Probably it was the world’s first mobile phone that worked as a transportable gaming console. A strong competitor to the Nintendo Game Boy Advance in 2000s.

NGage resembled to mobile consoles, the one on the left side of the screen had a directional pad while one on the right was a 3X4 keyboard with dedicated gaming keys. This one was the most astonishing phone Nokia introduced for game lovers. It had a GPS, an MP3 player, Wi-Fi and 3G support (something that first iPhone lacked), and a 5-megapixel camera that was ahead of its time (recording both images and video).

Nokia 6600 (2003)

One of the most popular Nokia phone that belonged to Nokia 6xxx Business Series. The phone was a trend-setter, it came with VGA (0.3 MP) resolution rear-camera with video-call functionality, 6MB of internal memory (expandable externally), 5-way joystick and a 2.16-inch TFT display.

Nokia 6630 (2004)


This one was not much appreciated by Nokia lovers due to its design and shape, but soon the design became quintessential. It was appreciated by people of all age group, the camera was good and phone had a Symbian OS, all the connectivity options were available, except for Wi-Fi.

Nokia N95 (2007)

What a phone! A true accomplishment with a roaring success and impressive battery life. Nokia sold seven million handsets of it.

First multitasking smartphone (the pocket computer) with a two-way sliding design. Vertical like every other slider phone and landscape for watching movies, videos and listening to music with multimedia keys. Along with this it came with a brilliant 5MP camera, navigator, accurate GPS, Symbian OS and Flash compatible web browser.

N97 (2008)

A sequel to the N95 with intuitive user interface, full touchscreen and QWERTY keyboard. Its strongest features were – battery life, storage space, and camera, but it had to struggle a lot to make its mark.

All this might have made you walk down the memory lane. But remember, it is worth. Why, because these phones did not make you an addict like the present-day phones. You could multitask with them without losing focus on what’s important.

Nokia meant what it said, “connecting people”, it did that without disconnecting them from real world. Agreed, some of its designs weren’t a success and neither were handy but yet they were sturdy and durable. You can rely on Nokia, when it comes to battery life and durability of a phone the biggest issue we face with phone these days. The so-called smartphones are no way ahead of Nokia. They work on the same pattern, the only difference is they have got beautified and with time due to technological advancements they seem to be superior to Nokia.

But with HMD bringing our favorite phone back to life we can expect more to come. However, it is not yet disclosed what the company plans but we can expect a lot. When the company can make unexpected thing a reality then it can do wonders. We just need to wait and watch what more HMD has to offer.
Already, two old-school Nokia phones are lined up for us and they are working on more. This means we will soon see our favorite coming back to life.

HMD has a done a great job. Thumbs up to the company for knowing from where to start with a company like Nokia which was once a favorite and slowly became outdated due to not coping up with technology. At one point, the leading phone manufacturer is now sitting back and crawling slowly to make its way. We all know slowly and steady wins the race and the same thing Nokia will soon prove to us with HMD with it.

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