How To Organize Photos With iOS 10 Face Recognition

The final spritzer

We often find it difficult to find photos. If your friends, ask you for his photos stored in your iPhone, then you may have to dive deep into the gallery to search for them.

Guess what? Apple has added the Face recognition feature to iOS 10 which will make photo searches much easier. This allows you to organize your photos with the people in them. The best part is whenever you receive or click a photograph it automatically tags it under the name of the person. So, let us find out how you can set name for the faces in the gallery of your iPhone and how your photos can be organized by people in them.

  1. Navigate to Photos from the home screen of your iPhone. Here you will find all your photos and videos now tap on albums given in the bottomNavigate iPhone photosNavigate iPhone photos
  2. You will find people and places with a little 2×2 grid of recognized faces. In the album.people gridpeople grid
  3. Go to people and then tap on the picture of a person you want to name. If the picture of the person you want to name is not in this window tap on “Add People” (+icon) and you will see some more people on your iPhone.iPhone albumiPhone album
  4. If you will tap on a particular person’s photo you will get an option to add name at the top of the window.

When you will start typing a name it will show suggestions from your phonebook. You can tap on a suggested name or can continue typing. However, if you will tap on the suggested contact no changes will be made to the saved contact.

  1. Now a name will be added to the photo. If you have more photos of the same person on the device and you want to categorized them with the given name then you can tap on Confirm additional photos. Next you will see some more photos of the person you have added a name. If it is the same person you can tap on Yes Otherwise tap No.
  2. The application is intelligent enough to identify photos with faces but sometimes because of hat or because of the difference in bearded or shaved photos a person can be tagged as different person. But do not worry you can still merge two people.
  3. If you want to merge two different people, you should tap on the unnamed group of photos for the same person when you will proceed further to name the person give the same name you have given earlier. Tap on the same name and tap on Merge that’s it. Photos will be merged together.

Now, finding photos is no more a tough task you can easily find photos on your iPhone with the people in them not only this you can find photos with categories too. For example if you will type bird you will see all the related photos.

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