For Windows

How To Fix DNS Error In Windows

Domain Name Servers (DNS) are just like a phone book for Internet. It maintains a directory of domain names and translate them to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

DNS error occur when one segment is not connected to another segment properly. There can be network issues or maybe some part might have failed to respond or simply your browser might not be responding.

DNS error might result into stopped Internet. Here, we have solution to this problem. The issue can be resolved by following these steps.

  1. Try Using Another Browser

Try and access the same website from a different browser, if the issue persists, then there might be issues in your proxy settings or your router might not be working.

  1. Try Restarting Your Router and PC

If you have router, then restarting the router and PC can do the trick. Unplug the power source of your router and PC.  Wait for one odd minute. Doing this, will clear the memory and discharge the residual. Now plug it in and wait till it connects.

  1. Check The TCP/IP Settings

You can try and resolve the issue by altering and correcting TCP/IP settings. Follow these steps to resolve the issue –

Hopefully the internet connectivity issue would have been resolved now. If not, proceed to the next step.

  1. Use Command Prompt:

Resolving network issues can be very cumbersome. Using Command Prompt makes easy to resolve the issue and it is just a set of command that you have to type and it would be done.

Follow these steps to resolve DNS issue:

See Also: How to Fix ‘You’re not connected to a network’ Problem

After performing these steps, the internet issue should get resolved.

Follow the steps and let us know what worked for you!

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